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[摘要] 目的:鉴于目前在测定弓丝与托槽阻力时均没有考虑到牙周膜对滑动阻力的影响,因此本实验尝试建立一种新的模型用于滑动阻力的测试。方法:利用环氧树脂能够模拟不同材料的弹性模量的特性,制作相似于人体实际弹性模量比例的牙、牙周膜和牙槽骨的模型。建立错 指数为0的牙颌模型,以相同情况的石膏模型为对照,比较在两种不同模型上4种不锈钢方丝的滑动摩擦力。结果:同种弓丝在两种模型上的滑动阻力均有显著性差异(P<0.001)。在测试模型上,滑动阻力随着弓丝的尺寸的增大而增大,但是使用0.48 mm×0.64 mm的不锈钢方丝时,滑动阻力突然下降,其滑动阻力比使用其他不锈钢方丝时都低。而在对照模型上,滑动阻力都随着弓丝尺寸的增大而增大。结论:本实验所建立的测试模型与对照模型相比,测试模型上托槽与弓丝间的滑动阻力变化与对照模型不同,与临床更接近。
[关键词] 模型建立;滑动阻力;弓丝刚度
[中图分类号] R782[文献标识码]A [文章编号]1673-7210(2009)03(a)-016-03
A model building for testing the resistance to sliding
LIN Shan1, LEI Qun1, CHEN Nian-mei2
(1.Department of Stomatologia, the First Affiliated Hospital of Fujian Medical University, Fuzhou350005, China; 2.Department of Stomatologia, the First Hospital of Fuzhou, Fuzhou350005, China)
[Abstract] Objective: To establish a new model to test the resistance to sliding according to the fact that there is few researchers who mention pericementum which has some effect of resistance to sliding when they study the friction of archwire-bracket. Methods: A model, in which the youth module proportion of tooth, pericementum and alveolar bone was similar to the somatic data was made taking the advantage of epoxide resin's property. A new model and a gypse model were built of which the malocclusion index was zero. In both models, the resistances to sliding were tested to contrast when brackets were combined with 4 types of stainless steel archwire. Results: The resistance to sliding of bracket-archwire was different obviously in two models. In testing model, the resistance would increase as the cross-sectional area increased, but the resistance between 0.48 mm×0.64 mm rectangular archwire and brackets was the least one. In control model, the resistance would increase as the cross-sectional area increased. Conclusion: Comparing the testing model and control model, the resistance to sliding between brackets and archwire was different, and that of testing model was close to the condition of clinic.
[Key words] Model building; Resistance to sliding; The stiff of archwire
在正畸治疗中,托槽与弓丝间的滑动阻力始终是一个研究重点 ......