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[摘要] 评价新型纳米氧化锌根充糊剂的部分理化性能。依据ISO 6876提供的方法对新型纳米氧化锌根充糊剂的收缩性、成膜厚度等性能进行检测,并用扫描电镜观察它在水介质中浸泡前后表面形貌的变化,评价新型纳米氧化锌根充糊剂的理化特性。结果表明,新型纳米氧化锌根充糊剂的体积变化率为1.16%,成膜厚度为0.049 5 mm,扫描电子显微镜观察显示,新型纳米氧化锌根充糊剂的表面结构均质、致密,界面结合良好,水介质对根充糊剂的影响不大,上述结果基本符合ISO 6876中所定根充糊剂的测量指标标准,说明新型纳米氧化锌根充糊剂作为封闭剂具有良好的理化性能,为开发新型的根管封闭剂提供实验依据。
[关键词] 根管封闭剂;纳米氧化锌;理化特性
[中图分类号] R78[文献标识码]A [文章编号]1673-7210(2009)05(a)-039-03
Experimental study on the contractibility and film thickness of nano-zinc oxide root canal sealer
HAO Pengxiang, REN Jifang*
(Hospital of Stomatology, Shanxi Medical University, Taiyuan 030001, China)
[Abstract] To evaluate some physicochemical properties of nano-zinc oxide root canal sealer. The contractibility and film thickness of nano-zinc oxide root canal sealer were tested according to ISO 6876 methodology, and scanning electron microscope was used to observe its surface shape change before and after soaked in water to evaluate its physicochemical properties. The results suggested that volume change rate of nano-zinc oxide root canal sealer was 1.16%, and the film thickness was 0.049 5 mm. Scanning electron microscopy observation indicated that the surface structure of nano-zinc oxide root canal sealer was dense, homogeneous and good interfacial bonding. Water had little effect on the root canal sealer. These results are basically consistent with ISO 6876 standard indicator about root canal sealer, and show that the nano-zinc oxide paste as root canal sealer has excellent physicochemical properties, which provides experimental basis for the development of a new type of root canal sealers.
[Key words] Root canal sealer; Nano-zinc oxide; Physicochemical properties
根管治疗是牙髓根尖周病的最佳治疗方法,而根管充填是根管治疗的最后一步,严密的根管充填是根管治疗成功的前提。目前正在研究和临床上使用较多的根管封闭剂主要有氧化锌类、氢氧化钙类、树脂类、硅酮类和玻璃离子类、纳米复合材料等。氧化锌类具有超填时可以吸收和抗菌作用强的优点,与之相对的是封闭能力欠佳和生物相容性差的缺点,材料超出根尖会对根尖组织产生炎症反应且持续一段时间。氢氧化钙类细胞毒性小,具有良好的抗菌性能和生物相容性,可封闭牙本质小管及根尖孔,但抑菌作用较弱,封闭性也较差。树脂类具有一定的抗菌性、良好的黏结性和较长的操作时间,且封闭性能较好,但有使牙齿染色、固化前的细胞毒性及在唾液中溶解的缺点[1]。硅酮类的生物相容性和封闭性较好,但无抑菌作用。玻璃离子生物相容性良好,无细胞毒性,缺点是封闭性欠佳。目前尚无一种根管充填材料能满足理想根管充填材料的要求。纳米材料类是一种新开发的根充材料,其材料的特点是颗粒尺寸小、有效表面积大。由于这种结构上的特殊性,使纳米材料具有一些独特的效应,主要包括小尺寸效应和表面或界面效应[2],有报道其有良好的生物相容性,抗菌性较强,封闭能力也较好,但目前还处于研究阶段,尚未投入使用[3-4]。本研究对新型纳米氧化锌充填材料进行一系列的理化性能研究 ......