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[关键词] 山药;成分;积累动态
[中图分类号] R282.2[文献标识码]C [文章编号]1673-7210(2009)05(b)-038-03
The effect of producing areas on the accumulation of the components in Dioscorea opposita Thunb. in the growth stage
XIE Caixia1, SHI Huiqi1, ZHANG Zhongyi2, BAI Yan1, BAI Yu3
(1.Henan College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Zhengzhou450008, China; 2.Henan Agricultural University, Zhengzhou450002, China; 3.Research Institution of Tianjin Tasly Group, Tianjin300410, China)
[Abstract] Objective: To study the variance of the components in Dioscorea opposita Thunb. in the growth stage in different areas, supervising the implement of GAP and illuminating the effect of producing areas on Dioscorea opposita Thunb.. Methods: The content of starch, protein, soluble substance, polysaccharid, N, P and K were analyzed in Dioscorea opposita Thunb. in the growth stage. Results: The starch content were higher in early and peak inflation stage, the variance of protein content was relatively stable, the content of soluble substance were decreasing with the growth course, the polysaccharid content were higher in early inflation and withered leaf stage; the components content in Qinyang were higher than Pingyao; the polysaccharid content had negative relation to the content of P, K and positive relation to that of mellow soluble substance. Conclusion: The variance law of components content has no change in the producing areas in the growth stage, but the content has difference with that.
[Key words] Dioscorea opposita Thunb.; Components; Variance
山药原植物为薯蓣科(Dioscoreaceae)植物薯蓣(Dioscorea opposita Thunb.),系多年生缠绕草质藤本,药用其块茎,始载于《神农本草经》,称薯蓣,列为上品[1]。具有“主治伤中、补虚羸、除寒邪热、补中益气、长肌肉、久服耳目聪明、轻身不饥延年”等功效[2]。历代本草记载,药用山药分布较北,以河南、山西交界处为中心,明清以来都认为以主产于“古怀庆府”(今河南省焦作市沿沁河两岸)的“怀庆山药”最佳,为中国著名“四大怀药”之一。为探讨山药道地性的成因,前人从品种[3]、微量元素[4]和产地[5]等方面对山药进行了研究。为了更深入地研究产地对山药品质的影响,本研究将相同品种山药种植于河南沁阳和山西平遥,在相同的栽培管理条件下,对生长期内山药根茎中淀粉、蛋白质、浸出物、N、P、K及多糖含量进行了分析 ......