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http://www.100md.com 2009年6月15日 曹广华 支玉红 刘莉红 刘高旺 张世霞


     [摘要] 目的:了解艾滋病高发农村少年儿童生长发育及心理特征,为进一步实施关怀支持提供科学依据。方法:采用整群抽样的方法,随机抽取6个高发村小学学生,按班级逐人逐项调查。内容主要包括身高、体重、艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染状况及对艾滋病有关问题的认知情况等。用Epi Data 3.1录入数据,用SPSS 11.5软件进行统计,并行T检验或χ2检验。结果:共调查6~15岁学龄儿童2 598名,其中HIV感染儿童14人,父母HIV双阳191人、单阳76人、双阴2 036人、不详295人。身高体重指标均符合少年儿童的生长发育规律;男生正常体重率显著高于女生(χ2=10.73,P<0.001),而营养不良率则女生显著高于男生(χ2=22.55,P<0.001)。总体营养不良比例大于较轻体重的比例,肥胖的比例大于超重的比例;14名HIV感染儿童中5人营养不良、5人较轻体重、4人正常体重。父母至少一方感染HIV儿童与父母未感染HIV儿童对“觉得艾滋病可怕”、“担心父母身体健康”、“愿意与父母是艾滋病的儿童一起玩”及“愿意与艾滋病儿童一起玩”的回答差异有统计学意义。结论:应进一步加强对艾滋病高发区群众生产、生活的救助以及对少年儿童的科学饮食和心理健康教育。

    [关键词] 艾滋病; 生长发育; 生理健康; 调查

    [中图分类号]R512.91 [文献标识码] C[文章编号] 1673-7210(2009)06(b)-107-03

    Survey on growth, development and psychological health of the children in rural with AIDS serious incidence

    CAO Guanghua, ZHI Yuhong*, LIU Lihong, LIU Gaowang, ZHANG Shixia

    (Shangcai County Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Shangcai 463800, China)

    [Abstract] Objective: To understand the growth, development and psychological characteristics of the children in rural with serious AIDS incidence. Methods: Investigate the primary school students in six serious AIDS incidence village by group sampling randomly, including height, weight, HIV infection status and cognition issues related with AIDS. Results: 2 598 children of 6-15 years old involved, of which 14 children HIV-infected; 191 parents double positive, 76 parents single positive, 2 039 parents double negative and 295 unknown. The two index of height and weight matched with the growth and development of children; the difference between the normal weight of boys with that of girls(χ2=10.73, P<0.001) was significant, while the girls' malnutrition rate was bigger than boys' significantly(χ2=22.55, P<0.001). Found 5 malnutrition, 5 lower weight and 4 normal weight among 14 HIV-infected children. The differences was significant to questions as "feeling terrible on AIDS" etc. from children in family parents one/double positive and parents negative. Conclusion: To give aids in production, daily life for adult, while to strengthen in education of scientific diet and psychological health to children in rural with serious AIDS incidence ......
