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[摘要] 目的:探讨环枢关节半脱位的X线诊断及各种发病的因素。方法:对各种人群环枢关节半脱位的影像资料进行分析。结果:26例患者经X线初步诊断为环枢关节半脱位患者,经进一步证实,18例为环枢关节半脱位,2例为齿状突骨折,6例为正常。结论:诊断环枢关节半脱位必须经多种影像学资料证实,单凭X线诊断该病可能会导致误诊。
[关键词] 环枢关节半脱位;X线计算机;诊断
[中图分类号] R445 [文献标识码]B[文章编号]1673-7210(2010)01(a)-190-02
The imaging diagnosis of atlantoaxial subluxation
ZHENG Chunhui, YU Zhimei
(Department of Radiology, the First Affiliated Hospital of Baotou Medical College, Baotou 014010, China)
[Abstract] Objective: To investigate the X-ray diagonosis and various risk factors of atlantoaxial subluxation. Methods: The imaging data of various people with atlantoaxial subluxation were analyzed. Results: 26 cases were preliminarily diagnosed as atlantoaxial subluxation of the first step examine a patient, through the further confirmation, 18 cases were atlantoaxial subluxation, 2 cases were bone fracture of dentation outstanding, 6 cases were normal ......