加强行业督查 促进消毒供应室的建设与发展
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[摘要] 目的:了解消毒供应室达标情况,对不达标的消毒供应室进行整改。方法:根据《广东省医疗卫生机构消毒供应室(中心)审核验收标准及评分表》,对辖区内32所医院消毒供应室进行检查和考核。结果:通过检查、整改,消毒供应室达标率由原来62.50%提高到93.75%。结论:通过行业督查,有效地促进消毒供应室的建设与发展。
[关键词] 督查;消毒供应室;整改;效果
[中图分类号]R197 [文献标识码]C [文章编号]1673-7210(2010)01(c)-151-02
Strengthens the profession supervising and promotes the construction and development of disinfection supply office
HUANG Shaojun, YU Qing, HUANG Ju
(The Chinese Medicine Hospital of Zhongshan Affiliated Hospital, Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, Zhongshan528400, China )
[Abstract] Objective: To understand the target situation of nosocomoal disinfection supply office, to reform the non-compliance nosocomoal disinfection supply office. Methods: Based on Verify Inspection Standard and Score Chart of Medical and Health Organization Disinfection Supply Office (center) in Guangdong Province, the 32 nosocomoal disinfection supply office of the whole city were inspected and examined. Results: Through inspecting and reforming, the standard rate of nosocomoal disinfection supply office raised from 62 ......