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http://www.100md.com 2010年3月5日 《中国医药导报》2010年第7期
     [摘要] 案例教学法是临床实践活动的真实模拟,它以病例为先导的教学原则,有助于培养学生临床思维能力。实施案例教学法是推进素质教育,培养高水平医学人才的重要途径。

    [关键词] 案例教学;医学生;临床思维能力培养

    [中图分类号] G420[文献标识码]C [文章编号]1673-7210(2010)03(a)-102-02

    Discussion of the cultivation clinical thinking ability for the medical students through application of the case-based teaching method

    MAO Huiling, ZHANG Guirong, YU Quan, HE Kai, ZHAI Yunqi

    (Daqing Longnan Hospital, the Fifth Affiliated Hospital of Qiqihar Medical University, Daqing163453)

    [Abstract] Case-based teaching method is the actual simulation of clinical medical pracitcal activity. It carry out the the case-based teaching principle. With case-based teaching, students can cultivate clinical thinking ability. Case-based teaching method is an important way to promote quality-oriented education and produce high-level medical talents.

    [Key words] Case-based teaching Method; Medical students; The cultivation of clinical thinking ability

    案例教学法源于20世纪初,由美国商学院所倡导,是教师根据教学目标要求,通过提供一个典型病例,让学生置身于该情景中,然后在教师指导下,学生借助案例中的信息,运用所掌握的基本理论去分析、解决问题的一种教学方法 ......

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