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[摘要] 目的:了解化疗专科护士掌握联合化疗相关知识的现状,查找不足,提出有效的改进方法,保证化疗护理安全。方法:采用问卷调查法和现场考核法,选取临床专科护士进行调查、考核。结果:化疗专科护士掌握常用联合化疗药物相关知识平均得分为85.9分,及格率为87.05%;对联合化疗输注方法掌握不全面;化疗时告知不全。结论:作为肿瘤化疗专科护士,应进一步加强专科知识培训,尤其是低年资护士的系统培训,以熟练掌握联合化疗药物的相关知识及正确的输注方法。
[关键词] 专科护士;抗肿瘤联合化疗方案;告知;现状
[中图分类号] R730.53[文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2010)03(a)-114-03
Analysis research on combination chemotherapy relative knowledge of professional nurse
WEI Suping, JIANG Qun, LIU Xianyu, LIAO Li, LI Jichuan
(The Second Part of Internal Medicine Cancer Hospital, Chengdu610041, China)
[Abstract] Objective: To investigate the current situation of mastering combination chemotherapy relative knowledge of professional nurse. Searching shortage, giving the effective plan, then ensuring the safty of chemotherapy nursing ......