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http://www.100md.com 2010年3月15日 张文娟


     [摘要] 目的:观察多巴胺、多巴酚丁胺在儿童休克治疗中的作用。方法:对16例休克患儿应用多巴胺、多巴酚丁胺治疗,分别测定治疗前后的血气分析,观察其对患儿血液循环及尿量的影响。结果:治疗后代酸、剩余碱与治疗前比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:在儿童休克治疗中联合使用多巴胺与多巴酚丁胺有一定疗效。

    [关键词] 多巴胺;多巴酚丁胺;休克;治疗

    [中图分类号]R972+.5 [文献标识码]B [文章编号]1673-7210(2010)03(b)-050-02

    Dopamine and Dobutamine in children in the use of shock therapy

    ZHANG Wenjuan

    (Women and Children Health Care Centers of Wuhan City, Wuhan430016, China)

    [Abstract] Objective: To observe the role of Dopamine and Dobutamine in the therapy of shocked children. Methods: 16 shocked children were treated with Dopamine and Dobutamine, blood gas analysis before and after treatment were measured to observe the effects to the blood circulation and urinary volume ......
