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[摘要] 目的:分析妇科恶性肿瘤淋巴清扫术后并发淋巴囊肿的声像图特征,探讨超声对淋巴囊肿诊断的重要的临床价值。方法:对15例29个经囊液穿刺证实的淋巴囊肿超声声像图进行总结。结果:10个囊肿的囊壁显示清晰,壁薄,内壁光滑,可见线状强回声突起;19个囊肿的囊壁显示不清晰,壁厚薄不均,内壁不光滑,部分内可见带状分隔。结论:超声能够清晰地显示淋巴囊肿的形态学特征,结合病史,对淋巴囊肿的诊断具有重要的临床价值。
[关键词] 超声检查;囊状淋巴管瘤;淋巴囊肿
[中图分类号] R445 [文献标识码] B[文章编号] 1673-7210(2010)03(c)-072-02
Ultrasound application in post-operative complications of the gynecological tumors
(Department of Ultrasound, the 3rd Hospital of Dalian City, Dalian 116031, China)
[Abstract] Objective: To analyze the ultrasound findings of lymphocysts after the pelvic m alignancy tumor operation and to evaluate the ultrasonographic diagnostic value. Methods: Ultrasound findings of 29 pelvic lymphocysts proved by biopsy and pathology in 15 cases were studied and analyzed. Results: In 10 cysts,the ultrasound findings were anechoic cysts, sharp margin, thin even walls and short thread-like spurs protruded from the capsular wall. In 19 cysts, the cystic wall thickness was uneven and the inner wall was coarse ......