[摘要] 衢江区乌溪江库区自然环境优越,中草药资源丰富,而已开发利用的中草药资源较少。结合衢江区乌溪江库区的总体情况,本文对当地中草药资源进行调查概括、归纳研究,以及对当地的企业进行调研分析。通过对中草药资源调查研究,为当地农民脱贫致富提出一些见解及建议,对库区的中草药资源开发与利用具有一定的指导意义。[关键词] 库区;中草药;资源;开发调研;企业
[中图分类号] R28[文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2010)04(b)-116-03
Research report on resources development of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Qujiang District Wuxijiang reservoir area of Zhejiang Province
LU Xiao, ZHANG Chunchun, ZHANG Wenkai, CHAI Linhai, XIONG Yaokang*
(Zhejiang Chinese Medical University, Hangzhou 310053, China)
[Abstract] The natural environment in Qujiang District Wuxijiang reservoir area is superior and the Traditional Chinese Medicine are fruitful in resources, however, the development of Traditional Chinese Medicine resources are poor. Combining with the local stituation, this paper summarises and analyses the situations of local resources and companies. The purpose of this investigation is to provide some suggestions on improving people's living standard and to explore foundations of the exploitation and usage of the natural resources. ......
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