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[摘要] 目的:分析开窗术对下颌骨囊性肿瘤的治疗效果。方法:对9例下颌骨囊性肿瘤患者采用开窗术进行治疗,并跟踪随访调查6个月~2年。结果:9例患者术后3~6个月肿瘤开始逐渐缩小;至术后1.5~2年时,原膨起的面部均恢复正常, X线可见囊肿完全消失。结论:开窗术是治疗下颌骨囊性肿瘤的一种有效方法,值得推广。
[关键词] 开窗术;治疗;下颌骨;囊性肿瘤
[中图分类号] R738.1 [文献标识码]B[文章编号]1673-7210(2010)04(c)-255-02
Clinical analysis of fenestration in the treatment of mandibular cystic tumor
LI Hongbin
(Department of Oral, Central Hospital of Benxi, Liaoning Province, Benxi117000)
[Abstract] Objective: To analyze the effect of fenestration in the treatment of mandibular cystic tumor. Methods: 9 cases of mandibular cystic tumor patients were treated with fenestration and follow-up surveyed for 6 months to 2 years. Results: The tumor reduced in 9 cases of patients after 3-6 months; after 1.5-2 years, the original facial swelling returned to normal, X-ray showed that cysts had completely disappeared. Conclusion: Fenestration was an effective method to treat mandibular cystic tumor, and should be advocated.
[Key words] Fenestration; Treatment; Mandible; Cystic tumor
颌骨囊性肿瘤(囊肿、成釉细胞瘤)是口腔颌面外科常见病,由于早期多无自觉症状,很难被发现,临床就诊时病变累及范围常已较大,治疗有一定难度 ......