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[摘要] 目的:观察米索前列醇配合缩宫素在减少剖宫产术后出血中的作用。方法:将100例有发生产后出血高危因素的剖宫产孕妇,随机分为两组,观察组在胎儿娩出后用米索前列醇配合缩宫素刺激宫缩,对照组在胎儿娩出后单纯用缩宫素刺激宫缩。观察两组术中及产后2 h内出血量。结果:观察组平均出血量为(234.6±86.6)ml,对照组为(316.0±148.9)ml,组间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:与单纯使用缩宫素相比,在剖宫产中米索前列醇配合缩宫素使用可以更有效地减少产后出血。
[关键词] 米索前列醇;缩宫素;剖宫产术;产后出血
[中图分类号]R71 [文献标识码]B [文章编号]1673-7210(2010)05(c)-056-02
Clinical observation of Misoprostol combinded with Oxytocin on reducing cesarean section bleeding
GAO Zhan
(College of Public Health of Zhengzhou University, Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics of the Fifth Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450000, China)
[Abstract] Objective: To observe the function of Misoprostol combinded with Oxytocin on reducing cesarean section bleeding. Methods: 100 cases of section pregnant woman who had high risk of postpartum hemorrhage were randomized into two groups. After expulsion of fetus, pregnant woman in observation group was injected with Misoprostol combinded with Oxytocin for uterine contraction, pregnant woman in control group was injected simply with Oxytocin for uterine contraction. We observed the amount of bleeding in surgery and post-natal two hours of both group. Results: The mean amount of bleeding was (234.6±86.6) ml in observation group, while (316.0±148.9) ml in control group, the difference was significant. Conclusion: Misoprostol combined with Oxytocin is more effective on reducing of postpartum hemorrhage than Oxytocin.
[Key words] Misoprostol; Oxytocin; Cesarean section; Postpartum hemorrhage
目前关于产后出血采用最广泛的定义是由世界卫生组织1990年提出的,即“分娩中生殖道出血超过500 ml”[1]。在我国产后出血居目前孕产妇死亡的首位,其中以子宫收缩乏力所致者最常见[2]。因此积极防治子宫收缩乏力性出血是降低产妇病死率的关键。我院对100例有发生产后出血高危因素的剖宫产孕妇分别应用口服米索前列醇配伍注射缩宫素和单纯注射缩宫素预防产后出血进行对比观察,报道如下:
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料
1.2 方法
患者麻醉选择均为腰硬联合麻醉。观察组米索前列醇配合缩宫素预防产后出血,对照组单用缩宫素预防产后出血。给药方法:观察组在胎儿娩出后舌下含米索前列醇400 μg,同时静脉及宫体各注射缩宫素20 U,对照组在胎儿娩出后静脉及宫体各注射缩宫素20 U。米索前列醇采用上海华联制药有限公司出品的米索前列醇,每片200 μg。
1.3 失血量的测定及估计
产后2 h是产后出血发生的高发期,故观察指标为术中及术后2 h产妇的失血量。采用容积法、面积法及称重法,测量出血量。
容积法:术中吸净羊水后,用负压吸管收集术中出血量于容量瓶中 ......