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http://www.100md.com 2010年6月5日 刘春晓,胡晓菊,钟 灵


     [摘要] 目的:探讨对心脏外科手术患者行阶段性健康指导的效果。方法:通过对心脏外科手术患者进行全程阶段性宣教,保证患者对宣教内容的真正掌握,遵从医嘱,使患者顺利度过手术期。结果:22例患者手术前后心理状态稳定,依从性好,无跌倒、坠床、压疮发生。结论:对心脏外科手术患者实施阶段性个别宣教,可使患者获得最佳的护理,提高住院适应能力和自我护理能力,融洽护患关系。

    [关键词] 心脏外科手术;阶段性;健康指导

    [中图分类号] R473.6[文献标识码]C [文章编号]1673-7210(2010)06(a)-120-02

    Application of guidance on health by phases in the whole process before and after the heart surgery

    LIU Chunxiao, HU Xiaoju, ZHONG Ling

    (The People's Hospital of Xinyu City, Jiangxi Province, Xinyu338025, China)

    [Abstract] Objective: To explore the effect of guidance on health by phases in the whole process before and after the heart surgery on the cardiopathy afflicted patients. Methods: To conduct the guidance by phases in the whole process after and before the surgery to the cardiopathy-afflicted patients with an aim to making sure that the patients can follow the doctor's advice so that they can pass the surgical period smoothly after they fully and truly get hold of content of guidance on health. Results: With a stable psychological status, 22 patients applied to can follow the doctor's advice nicely, without the happening of tumbling, falling out of the bed and producing festers. Conclusion: To conduct the guidance by phases in the whole process after and before the surgery to the individual cardiopathy-afflicted patients can make the patients enjoy best nursing and improve their adaptability and self-nursing ability while they are in hospital, which works to form a harmonious relation between the patients and nurses.

    [Key words] Heart Surgical; By phases; Guidance on health

    心脏外科手术是治疗先心病、风心病、冠心病的有效方法之一,可使心脏重建合适血运,恢复血流动力学,改善心功能。我院胸心外科2006年12月~2009年11月年共实施体外循环心脏直视手术 22例,现将护理体会报道如下:



    本组22例,男13例,女9例,年龄3~67岁,体重10~68 kg。其中,室间隔缺损9例,房间隔缺损3例,法乐氏四联征3例,风湿性心脏瓣膜病5例,心脏外伤2例。全组体外循环时间平均(47±20) min,上下腔静脉阻断时间(40±18) min。均无气栓发生,痊愈出院。

    1.2 健康教育的方式






    2.2.1心理护理由于心脏手术危险性高,患者思想负担重,术前专科护士要多与患者接触、交谈,树立战胜疾病的信心。向患者介绍手术过程,讲解呼吸机使用的注意事项及配合,参观监护室以熟悉环境,使患者有良好的精神状态配合手术 ......
