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[摘要] 目的:了解宫外孕手术患者术前的心理状况,为心理支持提供依据,探讨护理对策。方法:对2007年11月~2009年9月在本院行宫外孕手术的87例患者进行术前心理状况评估分析,采用交谈及问卷调查方式,内容包括患者的基本情况、就诊原因、婚姻状况、经济情况、心理状态、对疾病的认知和护理的需求,及护理后对患者情况的观察和交流等。结果:80%以上患者都存在不同程度的恐惧和忧虑情绪,30%的患者有羞耻或惭愧心理。另有极个别患者存在怨恨或消沉悲观心理,90%以上患者有术前心理护理需求。在经过护理干预后,大部分患者心理负担减轻,能积极配合医护人员工作。结论:通过对宫外孕手术患者进行术前心理评估,为其提供心理支持,并通过各种护理手段消除患者负面情绪效应,可减少患者的心理压力,积极配合医师治疗。
[关键词] 宫外孕;心理分析;护理干预措施
[中图分类号] R473.71[文献标识码]C [文章编号]1673-7210(2010)06(b)-077-02
Preoperative psychological analysis and nursing with 87 cases of ectopic pregnancy
LIAO Chunping
(Department of Gynecology,the People's Hospital of Zhuhai City, Guangdong Province, Zhuhai519000, China)
[Abstract] Objective: To understand the ectopic pregnancy preoperative psychologic status, in order to afford a basis for psychological support and to explore nursing. Methods: From November 2007 to September 2009, 87 patients of ectopic pregnancy in our hospital underwent surgical preoperative psychological assessment analysis, chat and survey methods were used, content included the basic situation of patients and the visit cause, marital status, economic situation, mental state, awareness of disease and care needs, and the observation and exchange of information after nuring. Results: 80% of patients had varying degrees of fear and anxious and 30% of the patients had shame or ashamed. Another very few patients had resentment or deression pessimistic psychology, over 90% of patients had preoperative psychological care needs. After nursing intervention, the majority of the patients' psychological burden were lighter, could actively work with the medical staff. Conclusion: Through surgery for ectopic regnancy in patients with preoperative psychological evaluation, to afford psychological support, and through a variety of patient care and means to eliminate effects of negative emotion, the patients reduce mental pressure and can cooperate actively with physicians in the treatment.
[Key words] Ectopic pregnancy; Psychological analysis; Nursing intervention
宫外孕又称异位妊娠,是指受精卵在子宫体腔以外的其他部位着床,其中以输卵管妊娠最多见,是妇科较为常见的一种急腹症,宫外孕患者普遍来得急,病情危重,部分患者伴有阴道流血或休克,危及患者生命 ......