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http://www.100md.com 2010年11月15日 张建生,孟晓春,郭 宁,徐 川


     [摘要] 目的:探讨相同碘浓度、相同对比剂注射流率,不同对比剂剂量在320排容积CT冠脉成像的应用效果。方法:应用320排容积CT对临床拟诊断为冠心病的100病例,进行宽探测器平台下动态容积扫描,将患者分为常规组(A组)和低剂量组(L组),每组 50例,按公斤体重A组采用1.1 ml/kg注射,L组采用0.8 ml/kg注射,然后对 A组和L组图像质量进行评估。结果:A组与L组患者各段血管的增强程度没有显著性差异,都能达到诊断标准。结论:采用0.8 ml/kg低对比剂剂量注射,能满足320排容积CT冠脉成像,具有明显的优越性。

    [关键词] 320排容积CT;冠状动脉;注射流率;对比剂剂量

    [中图分类号] R814.43[文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-7210(2010)11(b)-070-02

    Contrast agent dose optimisation in coronary artery imaging using 320-slice volume CT

    ZHANG Jiansheng, MENG Xiaochun, GUO Ning, XU Chuan

    (Department of Radiology, the Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510630, China)

    [Abstract] Objective: To assess the effect of different volumes of contrast agent (the same concentration of iodine and injection speed) on image quality for coronary computed tomography angiography (CCTA) by using 320 slice volume CT. Methods: 100 patients with clinically suspected coronary disease were performed CCTA using 320 slice CT in dynamic volume scanning mode. The patients were divided into two groups, receiving intravenous injection of 1.1 ml/kg of contrast agent (group A, n=50) or 0.8 ml/kg of contrast agent (group L, n=50). And then image quality was evaluated. Results: There was no significant difference in the mean enhancement values of each segment of vessels between group A and group L. Diagnostic image quality could be achieved in both groups. Conclusion: The use of low-volume (0.8 ml/kg) injections of contrast agent is feasible for CCTA using 320 slice volume CT, which is with obvious superiority.

    [Key words] 320 slice volume CT; Coronary arteries; Injection speed; Contrast agent dose


    1 资料与方法

    1.1 一般资料

    分别对临床拟诊断为冠心病的100例进行320排CT冠状动脉成像的病例进行分组,其中,男56例,女44例;年龄29~76岁,身高146~181 cm,体重45~82 kg,心率50~75次/min。其中按公斤体重1.1 ml/kg方法50例为A组,按公斤体重0.8 ml/kg方法50例为L组,两组的男女比例、年龄分布、身高分布、体重分布一样,病例排除标准包括:对碘对比剂过敏、严重心律不齐、严重肝肾功能不全及失代偿性心功能不全患者 ......
