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http://www.100md.com 2011年4月15日 梁明辉,王晓东,夏力丁


     [摘要] 目的:探讨医学影像学数字化实验平台在教学中的优势。方法:以4大网络技术为主要载体和工具[P2P网络视频流媒体技术、协同交互技术(CSCW)、基于Web Service的虚拟展示技术、基于DICOM 3.0标准的影像传输与处理技术]将病例胶片转化为数字格式,把医学影像学理论课件和自制多媒体实验课件存储于服务器中,建立数字化实验教学平台。结果:建立具备仿真实验操作、病例图像检索与浏览、实验报告提交、教师批阅等功能的影像学资料库, 在客户端利用IE浏览器调阅相关资料进行实验教学。结论:改革影像学实习模式,调动学生的主观能动性,加强学生的实际动手能力。系统具有操作方便、直观、互动性好、安全可靠等优点。充分利用现代网络平台对医学影像学实习课进行教学,能够提高学生的实习效率。

    [关键词] 仿真;数字化;医学影像学;实验教学;教学平台

    [中图分类号] G423.06 [文献标识码]C [文章编号]1673-7210(2011)04(b)-122-03

    Application research of digital simulation system in medical imaging teaching

    LIANG Minghui, WANG Xiaodong, XIA Liding

    Qiqihar Medical University Institute of Technology, Heilongjiang Province,Qiqihar 161006, China

    [Abstract] Objective: To discuss the advantages of experimental platform of digital in the medical imaging teaching. Methods: The authors maked the four network technologies as major carriers and the main tool [P2P network video streaming media technology, computer supported collaborative work (CSCW), web service-based virtual display technology, standards-based DICOM 3.0 image transferring and processing technology] to change the case film into digital format. Courseware of medical imaging theory and self-made multimedia experimental courseware were stored on the servers, a digital platform for experimental teaching was created. Results: The author created the imaging database including simulation experiment operations, case retrieval and browsing, experimental report, teachers' examinations and other functions, and used the IE browser client access to relevant information for experimental teaching. Conclusion: The authors consider we should reform practice model of imaging, mobilize the students to enhance practical ability of students. The system bears the following advantages as easy to operate, intuitive, interactive, safe and reliable. To fully use modern medical imaging network platform for teaching practical lessons can improve their practice efficiency.

    [Key words] Simulation; Digital; Medical imaging; Experimental teaching; Teaching platform

    大型医学影像设备在21世纪发展迅速,医学影像学已成为医学领域中的重要学科之一,在临床医疗工作中离不开医学影像对疾病进行诊断 ......
