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http://www.100md.com 2011年7月15日 袁晓春 智勇 徐平声 秦 群


     摘要] 目的:建立人血浆中聚普瑞锌浓度的原子分光光度法测定方法。方法:采用原子吸收光谱仪,设定波长为213.9 nm,光谱通带为 0.5 nm,灯电流为10 mA,火焰类型为空气-乙炔,乙炔流量为1.2 L/min进行分析检测。结果:标准锌溶液线性范围为0.05~2.00 mg/L,定量下限为0.05 mg/L,回收率为103.0%,日内精密度及日间精密度均符合要求。结论:本方法具有选择性强、灵敏度高、稳定性好的特点,适合聚普瑞锌颗粒的人体药代动力学研究。

    [关键词] 聚普瑞锌;原子分光光度法;人血浆

    [中图分类号] R943 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1673-7210(2011)07(b)-031-02

    Determination on the concentration of Polaprezinc Granules in human plasma by atomic absorption spectrometry

    YUAN Xiaochun1,2, DAI Zhiyong1, XU Pingsheng1, QIN Qun1

    1.Department of Pharmacy, Xiangya Hospital, Central South University, Hu'nan Province, Changsha 410008, China; 2.Department of Pharmacy, Hu'nan Provincial People's Hospital, Changsha 410005, China

    [Abstract] Objective: To establish an atomic absorption photometric method for the determination of Polaprezinc Granules in human plasma. Methods: Atomic absorption spectrometer was used and parameters were set as: wavelength was 213.9 nm, band pass was 0.5 nm, lamp current was 10 mA, flame was Air-Acetylene, Acetylene flow rate was 1.2 L/min. Results: The linear range of standard Zinc solution was 0.05-2.00 mg/L, the limit of quantification was 0.05 mg/L, recovery was 103.0%, within-day and between-day precisions all met the requirements. Conclusion: The method has a high selectivity, sensitivity and stability, and it is applied to a pharmacokinetic study of Polaprezinc Granules.

    [Key words] Polaprezinc Granules; Atomic absorption spectrometry; Human plasma

    聚普瑞锌颗粒(Polaprezinc granules)为L-肌肽络合物[1],属于促进防御因子类药。由于具有抗氧化及膜稳定作用从而保持胃黏膜体内平衡,达到细胞保护的作用,同时它也能促进伤口愈合,增强防御因子作用,用于防治消化性溃疡,同时它还具有增强黏膜附着性,提高胃黏膜防御作用的功效[2-3]。本品在吸收的过程中锌与L-肌肽解离,L-肌肽在体内参与代谢,经由组胺酸在生物体内作为蛋白质的组成成分而使用,因此聚普瑞锌的体内药代动力学研究以血锌为测定指标。本课题建立火焰原子吸收光谱法测定血浆锌浓度的方法[4-12],方法简便、准确、灵敏、重现性好,可用于聚普瑞锌的体内药物浓度监测及药代动力学研究。

    1 仪器与试药

    1.1 仪器

    美国热电公司Solaar M6型原子吸收光谱仪(具空气-乙炔火焰,氘灯,锌空心阴极灯);TD Z4-WS 台式离心机(赛特湘仪离心机仪器有限公司);Dragonmed手动可调式移液枪(100 μl和1 000 μl,大龙仪器设备有限公司);金花牌移液器(5 ml,北京青云卓立精密仪器设备有限公司)。

    1.2 试药

    锌标准溶液(1 000 mg/L,国家标准溶液(GBW 08620),国家标准物质研究中心);曲拉通溶液(Triton X-100,Rohm-Haas,进口分装,上海化学试剂采购供应站);硝酸(优级纯,湖南株洲市化学工业研究院);实验用水均为双重蒸馏水。

    2 方法与结果

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