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[摘要] 目的:观察清脑镇痛液连续5 d经口灌胃给予小鼠后,所产生的镇痛作用。方法:试验选用SPF级昆明种小鼠120只,随机分为供试品高、中、低剂量组,阳性对照组和阴性对照组,每组12只,雌雄各半,采用压痛法(n=60)和醋酸扭体法(n=60),以痛阈提高率、扭体时间及扭体次数为指标,清脑镇痛液按25 g生药/kg或12.5 g生药/kg体重连续5 d经口灌胃给予小鼠,研究清脑镇痛液对机械刺激和化学刺激引起疼痛的镇痛作用。结果:供试品高剂量组及阳性对照组小鼠的痛阈提高率明显提高,分别与阴性对照组比较差异均有高度统计学意义(P<0.01),供试品中、低剂量组小鼠的痛阈提高率分别与阴性对照组比较差异均无统计学意义。供试品高、中、低剂量组及阳性对照组小鼠的初次扭体时间分别与阴性对照组比较差异均无统计学意义。供试品高、中剂量组及阳性对照组小鼠的扭体次数明显减少,分别与阴性对照组比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01),供试品低剂量组小鼠的扭体次数与阴性对照组比较差异无统计学意义。结论:清脑镇痛液能显著提高小鼠痛阈提高率,减少扭体次数,有一定的镇痛作用。
[关键词] 清脑镇痛液;痛阈;扭体;镇痛
[中图分类号] R277.772[文献标识码]A [文章编号]1673-7210(2011)07(b)-033-02
Empirical study on analgesic effect of Qingnao Zhentong Liquid
WU Gangyi, LIU Zhi, LI Xiaoji, LI De′ai*
Qingdao Municipal Hospital, Shandong Province, Qingdao 266011, China
[Abstract] Objective: To observe Qingnao Zhentong Liquid (QZL) through the mouth for 5 straight days, after filling in mice stomach give the analgesic action generated. Methods: 120 SPF Kunming mice were randomly divided into the product high, medium and low dose group, positive and negative control group, each group 12 only, male and female half and half, the method oftenderness (n=60), acetic acid body torsion (n=60) according to improve rate of pain threshold, time of body torsion and body torsion times as the index. QZL was given according to 25 g liquid crude/kg or 12.5 g crude/kg weight through the mouth for 5 straight days to mice, the analgesic effect of Qingnao Zhentong Liquid was researched on mechanical stimuli and chemical stimulation the analgesic action which caused pain. Results: The product high dose group and positive control group could obviously improve the improve rate of pain threshold and compared with negative control group respectively, there were significant difference in them (P<0.01), the improve rate of pain threshold in the product of low, medium dose group which compared with negative control group respectively, there was no significant difference ......