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http://www.100md.com 2011年7月15日 雷建明 王文尚 方 玲 杨 职 黎朝茂 江先娣


     [摘要] 目的: 探讨阿尔兹海默病与血管性痴呆的诊断方法和治疗效果。方法: 选取我院2006~2010年收治的阿尔兹海默病和血管性痴呆患者,观察比较其诊断指标和治疗效果。结果:AD和VaD患者MMSE-R评分无显著差异;AD组和VaD组脑电图异常率有统计学意义(P<0.01),AD组脑电图异常率低于VaD组;AD与VaD组患者血浆Hcy、VitB12和ChE差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);AD组与VaD组认知功能、记忆功能和社会行为能力改善比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),VaD组改善均好于AD组。结论: 通过临床症状和生化检查在一定程度上能够鉴别AD和VaD患者,同时针对二者不同的病因和发病机制,采取相应的治疗措施有一定的效果,值得临床借鉴。

    [关键词] 阿尔兹海默病;血管性痴呆;诊疗对比

    [中图分类号] R749.1[文献标识码] B[文章编号] 1673-7211(2011)07(b)-074-03

    Comparative studies on diagnosis and curative effect for Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia

    LEI Jianming1, WANG Wenshang2, FANG Ling1, YANG Zhi1, LI Chsomao1,JIANG Xiandi1

    (1.Department of Neurology, People's Hospital of Maoming City in Guangdong Province, Maoming 525000, China;2.Department ofRadiology, People's Hospital of Maoming City in Guangdong Province, Maoming 525000, China

    [Abstract] Objective:To explore the diagnosis and curative effect of AD and VaD. Methods: Retrospective analysis of the patient's dates from 2006 to 2010 in our hospital, to observe diagnostic indexes and curative effect. Results: MMSE-R for AD and VaD was not different significantly. EEG for AD and VaD were statistical different significantly(P<0.01); Hcy, VitB12 and ChE for AD and VaD were statistical different significantly; Cognitive function、memory function、ability and social behaviors were statistical different significantly(P<0.05), curative effect of VaD was better than AD. Conclusion: Symptom and biochemistry can be used for differential diagnosis. Taking effective treatment according to pathogenesis should be good for AD and VaD and be used for reference.

    [Key words] Alzheimer's disease; Vascular dementia; Comparative studies of diagnosis and treatment

    随着社会人口结构的变化,人群寿命的延长,我国已步入了老龄化社会,老年痴呆已经成为了主要的社会问题。其中阿尔兹海默病(alzheimer's disease,AD)和血管性痴呆(vascular dementia,VaD)是目前老年人常患的疾病。记忆力、抽象思维、定向力障碍伴社会活动能力的减退,且严重影响患者及其家人的生活质量,目前两种疾病的防治尚未取得突破性进展,对于此两种疾病的诊断、提高患者的生存质量,延缓疾病的进程具有重要意义。现对我院2006~2010年收治的阿尔兹海默病和血管性痴呆患者的诊断和治疗进行了比较研究,报道如下:

    1 资料与方法

    1.1 一般资料

    选取2006年1月~2010年12月我院门诊和住院患者82例,男46例,女36例,年龄68~79岁,平均73.5岁。应用简易智能状态量表(MMSE-R)进行痴呆筛查。根据教育程度选择MMSE-R相应分值进行计算 ......
