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[摘要] 目的:探讨急性心肌梗死康复期患者自我护理能力与康复效果、生活质量的关系。方法:81例急性心肌梗死患者在出院时给予提高自我护理能力的健康教育。采用欧洲心力衰竭患者自我护理行为量表(EHFScBS)和明尼苏达心力衰竭生活质量调查表进行自我护理能力和生活质量的评价,并记录患者心力衰竭发生和心肌梗死再入院的例数。随访6个月。结果:患者EHFScBS评分为(41.6±11.8)分;自我护理能力受文化程度影响。文化程度较高者,自我护理能力相对越高(F=5.446,P=0.008)。同时自我护理能力较强的患者生活质量也相对较高(F=6.354,P=0.000)。EHFScBS评分和明尼苏达心力衰竭生活质量评分呈正相关(r=0.711,t=3.224,P=0.012);在EHFScBS评分中低分者越易造成心力衰竭的发生(χ2=8.188,P=0.042),也更倾向于再次入院(χ2=8.188,P=0.042)。结论:急性心肌梗死康复期患者的自我护理能力和生活质量及心力衰竭发生及再入院率有密切的关系,应努力提高其自我护理能力。
[关键词] 急性心肌梗死;自我护理能力;EHFScBS评分;生活质量
[中图分类号] R542.22[文献标识码]A [文章编号]1673-7210(2011)07(c)-113-03
The discussion of improving the self-care agency ability of patients with acute myocardial infarction in rehabilitation stage
The Affiliated Hospital of Yongzhou Vocational and Technical College, Hu′nan Province,Yongzhou 425000
[Abstract] Objective: To evaluate the relationship between self-care agency and quality of life in patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) in rehabilitation stage. Methods: 81 AMI patients were given health education to improve the ability of self-care agency. European self-care behavior rating scale for heart failure patients (EHFScBS) and the Minnesota Heart Failure quality of life questionnaire were used for self-care agency and quality of life assessment.And recorded the cases of heart failure and AMI re-admission.The follow up times were 6 months. Results: The EHFScBS score were(41.6±11.8). Self-care agency was affected by education degree. Higher educational level related with higher self-care ability (F=5.446,P=0.008).And self-care ability was relatively with uality of life (F=6.354, P=0.000). EHFScBS were positively correlated with the quality of life scores (r=0.711, t=3.224, P=0.012).Underachievers in EHFScBS score were more easily lead to heart failure (χ2=8.188, P=0.042), and more likely to re-admitted to hospital (χ2=8.188,P=0.042). Conclusion: The self-care agency is closely related to quality of life of patients with AMI of rehabilitation stage,and also related to heart failure and readmission rate. So it should be noted to improve the self-care agency patients with AMI of rehabilitation stage ......