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[作者简介] 叶彩云(1957-),女,广东惠阳人,中专,从事妇产科工作30年。
[通讯作者] 温瑞英(1958-),女,广东河源人,大学,从事妇女保健工作。
[摘要] 目的:分析深圳市宝安区1998~2010年孕产妇死亡率的变化趋势及死亡特征,为进一步降低孕产妇死亡率提供依据。方法:对深圳市宝安区1998~2010年的161例死亡孕产妇监测资料进行回顾性调查,分析孕产妇死亡率的变化及死亡特征。结果:孕产妇死亡率从1998年的96.8/10万下降到2010年的11.9/10万,13年平均孕产妇死亡率为37.1/10万,呈逐年下降趋势(χ2=56.24,P=0.000)。死亡的主要原因为产科出血(24.2%)、羊水栓塞(23.0%)、妊娠合并内科疾病(13.0%)等。家中分娩、私人诊所分娩及孕产妇年龄≤19岁与孕产妇死亡存在强相关性,OR值分别为30.57(7.60~122.93)、27.66(6.10~125.36)及22.65(4.76~107.79)。结论:宝安区孕产妇死亡率得到有效控制,继续深入开展“降消”项目、加强流动人群孕产妇的管理,仍是宝安区今后妇幼保健工作的重要任务。
[关键词] 孕产妇;宝安区;孕产妇死亡率;危险因素;外来劳务工
[中图分类号] R714.66[文献标识码]B [文章编号]1673-7210(2011)07(c)-122-03
Analysis on the trend and death characteristics of maternal mortality rate in Bao'an district of Shenzhen city from 1998 to 2010
YE Cuiyun1, WANG Wei2, WEN Ruiying2, LI Jianmei2
1.Xixiang People's Hospital of Bao'an District, Guangdong Province, Shenzhen 518100, China; 2.Maternal and Child Care Hospital of Bao'an District, Guangdong Province, Shenzhen 518133, China
[Abstract] Objective: To analyze the trend and death characteristics of the maternal mortality rate in Baoan district of Shenzhen city from 1998 to 2010, and to provide evidence for reducing the mortality. Methods: A retrospective investigation was used to collect the information of 161 maternal deaths from 1998 to 2010 in Baoan district of Shenzhen city. Results: The maternal mortality rate was reduced from 96.8 per 100,000 in 1998 to 11.9 per 100,100 in 2010; the annual average mortality rate was 37.1 per 100 000 in 13 years and the mortality rate had been decreased year by year (χ2=56.24, P=0.000). The data showed that the main causes of death were obstetric hemorrhage (24.2%), amniotic fluid embolus (23.0%), pregnant women complicated with medical disorders (13.0%). The maternal mortality rate was primarily affected by giving birth at home (OR=30.57, 7.60-122.93), giving birth at a private clinic (OR=27.66, 6.10-125.36) and the age of pregnant women was over 19 years (OR=22.65, 4 ......