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[摘要] 目的:通过了解山楂提取物对α-淀粉酶活性的影响获得山楂提取物与α-淀粉酶的复合制剂配方原则。方法:通过正交实验法研究不同山楂60%乙醇回流提取物浓度、反应温度、pH对α-淀粉酶活性的影响。结果:pH 6.8、温度40℃、加入20%的山楂提取物的α-淀粉酶反应活性最高。结论:该试验结果为山楂α-淀粉酶复方制剂的配制提供了有价值的配方和配方条件。
[关键词] 山楂提取物;α-淀粉酶;正交实验法;复合制剂
[中图分类号] R286 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2011)11(b)-035-02
Study on the activity of α-amylase in extracts of Hawthorn fruit by orthogonal method
CHEN Muzhou1, ZOU Ping2, PENG Guoping2, YANG Hua2
1.Guangdong Zhongsheng Pharmaceutical Co., LTD, Guangdong Province, Dongguan 523325, China; 2.College of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Hu′nan Agricultural University, Hu'nan Province, Changsha 410128, China
[Abstract] Objective: To obtain a formula principle of compound preparation with extracts of Hawthorn fruit and α-amylase by understanding the effect of extracts of Hawthorn fruit on α-amylase. Methods: The effect of extracts concentration of Hawthorn fruit by reflux extraction with 60% ethanol, reaction temperature and pH value on α-amylase activity were studied by orthogonal tests. Results: The activity of α-amylase were the strongest in temperature of 40℃ and 6.8 of pH value with 20% extract of Hawthorn fruit. Conclusion: The test results afford the valuable formula method and formula conditions of compound preparation with Hawthorn fruit and α-amylase.
[Key words] Extracts of Hawthorn fruit; α-amylase; Rrthogonal test; Compound preparation
1 仪器与材料
山楂(市售),α-淀粉酶(湖南尤特尔生化有限公司提供),60%乙醇溶液(V/V),蒸馏水,3,5-二硝基水杨酸试剂(取3,5-二硝基水杨酸1.0 g,溶于20 ml的1 mol/L氢氧化钠中,加入50 ml蒸馏水,再加入30 g酒石酸钾钠),麦芽糖,淀粉,pH梯度缓冲溶液(用0.2 mol/L Na2HPO4与0.1 mol/L柠檬酸按比例配制)。
2 方法与结果
2.1 山楂提取物的提取
2.1.1 麦芽糖标准曲线的制作 应用DNS法[5-6]以光密度值OD为纵坐标(Y),麦芽糖含量为横坐(X)标绘制标准曲线。结果显示,麦芽糖标准曲线为Y=7.664 1X-0.057 3,r=0.993 5,线性关系良好。
2.1.2 山楂提取物的提取 准确称取2 g山楂粗粉,用12倍量60%的乙醇在90℃下各回流提取2次,每次1 h,合并提取液,过滤,浓缩干燥,得到山楂提取物。
2.2 山楂提取物对α-淀粉酶促反应影响的单因素试验
2.2.1 山楂提取物浓度对α-淀粉酶活性的影响 将山楂提取物用10倍稀释法稀释成浓度依次为0 ......