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[摘要] 目的:观察紫杉醇单药治疗老年晚期非小细胞肺癌的临床疗效及毒副作用。方法:老年晚期非小细胞肺癌38例采用紫杉醇单药80 mg/m2加入500 ml生理盐水,静脉滴注3 h(d1,d8),21 d为1个周期,2个周期后作疗效评价。结果:38例患者中,完全缓解(CR)0例,部分缓解(PR)10例,稳定(SD)15例,进展(PD)13例,有效率为26.3%(10/38),疾病控制率为65.8%(25/38),主要不良反应包括白细胞减少、血小板减少、肝功能异常、末梢神经炎、肌肉关节疼痛、恶心呕吐、乏力。结论:紫衫醇单药治疗老年晚期非小细胞肺癌疗效好且不良反应可以耐受。
[关键词] 非小细胞肺癌;老年人;紫杉醇
[中图分类号] R734.2 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2011)11(b)-072-02
Clinical observation of Paclitaxel in the treatment of elderly patients with advanced non-small cell lung carcinoma
GUO Caihong, HAO Wei, LI Li, XUN Pei, LI Wenwen, GUO Hongwei, GAO Zhengxing, HAN Lei
Department of 6th Internal Medicine, the People's Hospital of Daxing District Affiliated to the Capital Medical University Yanjing Medical College, Beijing 102600, China
[Abstract] Objective: To explore the efficacy and toxicity of Paclitaxel in the treatment of elderly patients with advanced non-small cell lung carcinoma (ANSCLC). Methods: 38 cases of patients with ANSCLC were treated with 80 mg/m2 Paclitaxel plus 500 ml normal saline, intravenous drip 3 h (d1, d8), 21 d as one cycle. After two cycles, the treatment effects were evaluated. Results: In 38 patients, There were 0 case of CR, 10 cases of PR, 15 cases of SD, 13 cases of PD, and the effective rate (CR+PR) was 26.3% (10/38), the disease control rate (PR+SD) was 65.8% (25/38). The side effects included leukocyte reduction, thrombocytopenia, dysfunction of liver, peripheral neuritis, myalgia, arthritis, nausea and vomiting. Conclusion: Paclitaxel in the treatment of elderly patients with ANSCLC has a good efficacy, and side effects can be tolerated.
[Key words] Advanced non-small cell lung carcinoma; Elderly; Paclitaxel
随着我国逐步进入老龄化社会,老年人肺癌发病率逐年上升,多数老年非小细胞肺癌(non-small cell lung carcinoma,NSCLC)患者发病时已进入晚期,失去了手术的机会,或因并发症不能耐受手术,药物化疗成为其主要治疗手段之一[1]。既往对于老年非小细胞肺癌患者能否化疗、如何化疗一直是临床医生关注及探讨的问题。目前紫杉醇单药化疗是治疗老年非小细胞肺癌方法之一,为进一步观察紫杉醇治疗老年非小细胞肺癌的临床疗效及毒副作用,现将我科2008年1月~2010年12应用国产紫杉醇(北京协和制药,批号:110702)治疗老年非小细胞肺癌38例的疗效,报道如下:
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料
1.2 方法
紫杉醇80 mg/m2加入500 ml生理盐水,静脉滴注3 h(d1,d8),21 d为1个周期。静脉滴注紫杉醇前12、6 h给予醋酸泼尼松30 mg ......