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http://www.100md.com 2011年11月25日 田华 向登国


     [摘要] 目的:探讨应用微量泵皮下自控镇痛治疗晚期癌痛临床效果。方法:选择60例晚期癌症患者,按入院顺序随机分为两组,每组各30例。Ⅰ组采用传统的肌内注射吗啡0.1~0.2 mg/kg镇痛,Ⅱ组采用微量泵自控皮下注入吗啡40 mg+2%利多卡因20 ml+氟哌利多2.5 mg+0.9%氯化钠至100 ml镇痛。采用视觉模拟评分法(VAS)评价两组镇痛效果,比较两组患者的48 h吗啡用量,调查患者对镇痛方法的满意度。结果:治疗后第1、2、3、7、10天,Ⅱ组患者的VAS评分显著低于Ⅰ组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);患者满意度调查,Ⅰ组满意率为70.0%,Ⅱ组满意率达96.7%,差异有高度统计学意义(P<0.01);48 h吗啡用量,Ⅰ组为(89.65±12.46)mg,Ⅱ组为(56.27±9.73)mg,两组比较差异有高度统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论:皮下自控镇痛用于晚期癌性疼痛镇痛效果好,吗啡用量显著减少,降低了药物毒副作用,患者满意度显著提高。

    [关键词] 皮下自控镇痛;微量泵;晚期癌痛;患者满意度;视觉模拟评分法

    [中图分类号] R614 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2011)11(c)-086-02

    Effect of 30 cases treated by percutaneous self-controlled analgesia technique on advanced cancer pain

    TIAN Hua, XIANG Dengguo

    Department of Anesthesia, the Central Hospital of Enshi Tujia-Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Hubei Province, Enshi 445000, China

    [Abstract] Objective: To investigate the effect of pereutaneous seff-controfled analgesia technique on advanced cancer pain. Methods: 60 cases of advanced cancer treated in our hospital were divided randomly into groupⅠand groupⅡ. The patients of groupⅠwere received the injection of morphine for 0.1-0.2 mg/kg, while the group Ⅱ were treated by PCSA (morphine 40 mg+2% lidocaine 20 ml+droperidol 2.5 mg+0.9% natrium muriaticum to 100 ml). The visual analogue scales (VAS) was used to assess the analgesic effect of the two groups, the 48 h dosage of morphine and the patient satisfaction for analgesia method were analyzed. Results: The VAS score and the 48h dosage of morphine of groupⅠwere all significantly lower than group Ⅱ (P<0.01). The patient satisfaction of group Ⅱ (96.7%) was significantly better than group Ⅰ(70.0%) (P<0.05). Conclusion: Percutaneous self-controlled analgesia technique has a better analgesic effect on advanced cancer pain, with a higher patient satisfaction and less dosage of morphine.

    [Key words] PCSA; Micro Pump; Advanced Cancer Pain; Satisfaction; VAS


    1 资料与方法

    1.1 一般资料

    选取2007年10月~2011年2月在我院住院的晚期癌症患者60例。其中,男36例,女24例;平均年龄(54.0±6.9)岁;肝癌12例,肺癌9例,胃癌7例,食管癌3例,直肠癌术后复发8例,胰腺癌4例,乳腺癌2例 ......
