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[摘要] 目的:探讨双孔法腹腔镜下行精索静脉高位结扎术的方法和临床效果。方法:采用脐内和反麦氏点双孔法经腹腔镜下行精索静脉高位结扎术,术中保留精索动脉,并对术后疗效和影响进行临床研究。结果:32例患者术后随访16个月,精子密度恢复正常者占84.38%,精子存活率恢复正常者占90.63%,精子活动率(A+B级)恢复正常者占96.88%,术后精索静脉内径(1.720±0.034)mm。结论:双孔法腹腔镜下精索静脉高位结扎术损伤少、安全有效、切口美观、术后恢复快,适宜用于治疗由精索静脉曲张引起的男性少弱精子症,并能明显改善精液质量。
[关键词] 精索静脉曲张;精索静脉结扎术;腹腔镜技术;双孔法;精液质量
[中图分类号] R697+.24 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2011)12(b)-061-02
Clinical observation on laparoscopic spermatic vein ligation in the treatment of varicocele by dual-port methods
GU Qing1,2, WANG Xizhi2, ZHAO Xiping2
1.Medical College of Soochow University, Jiangsu Province, Suzhou 215006, China; 2.Suzhou Kowloon Hospital Shanghai Jiaotong University Medical School, Jiangsu Province, Suzhou 215021, China
[Abstract] Objective: To evaluate the clinical efficacy of the laparoscopic spermatic vein ligation by dual-port methods in the treatment of varicocele. Methods: The umbilical point and anti-McBurney point were chosen for laparoscopic spermatic vein ligation. The spermatic artery was preserved. The clinical data was analyzed respectively. Results: 16 months after surgery, follow-up was made in 32 patients. Normal sperm density rate was 84.38%, normal sperm survival rate was 90.63%, 96.88% patients sperm motility (A+B grade) back to normal. Mean spermatic cord vein diameter was (1.720±0.034) mm after surgery. Conclusion: The laparoscopic spermatic vein ligation by dual-port methods for varicocele is a safe and effective method, which features fewer traumas and quick recovery and an aesthetic effect, and is suitable for the treatment of oligo-asthenospermia caused by varicocele, improve the quality of semen.
[Key words] Varicocele; Spermatic vein ligation; Laparoscopic technique; Dual-port methods; Semen quality
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料
选取2010年3月~2011年8月我科住院患者32例,年龄22~40岁,平均(27.84±5.13)岁;病程7~45个月,平均(32.63±6.91)个月;左侧精索静脉曲张28例,右侧1例,双侧3例;32例患者均有不同程度睾丸坠胀感,其中,31例因婚后不育就诊,1例精液常规正常 ......