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http://www.100md.com 2011年12月15日 于连水 付连英 张合意


     [摘要] 目的:探讨相位对比乳腺钼靶成像技术特点及临床应用价值。方法:应用日本REGIUS PureView M型相位对比乳腺成像系统,2010年7~12月共检查患者1 173例,双侧乳腺对比检查,投照体位均包括侧斜位和轴位,采用多中心电离室控制全自动曝光,曝光千伏26~34 kV,毫安秒29~117 mAs。结果:双侧乳腺轴位及侧斜位对称显示,图像质量均符合乳腺摄影质量控制合格标准,乳房皮肤、皮下脂肪、乳腺、胸大肌及腋窝组织等不同组织结构均衡清晰显示,对致密型乳腺内0.1~0.2 mm微小钙化灶显示清晰。X线曝光剂量较低。经手术病理证实恶性肿瘤47例,其中,女46例,年龄24~88岁,平均53.13岁,右侧22例,左侧26例;男性1例,55岁,左侧。良性肿瘤72例,均为女性,年龄19~70岁,平均40.88岁,右侧41例,左侧40例,双侧病灶者9例。结论:相位对比乳腺成像技术影像学特点突出,为乳腺癌诊断和鉴别诊断提供可靠依据。

    [关键词] 乳腺X线摄影术;相位对比

    [中图分类号] R445 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-7210(2011)12(b)-106-03

    Clinical application research of phase-contrast mammography

    YU Lianshui, FU Lianying, ZHANG Heyi

    Department of Radiology, Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital of Zhoukou City, He′nan Province, Zhoukou 466000, China

    [Abstract] Objective: To Study the characteristics and clinical application value of phase contrast mammography system (PCM). Methods: 1 173 patients from July to December in 2010 with the PCM of Japanese REJIUS Pureview M type were examined. Double side breast was examined in both MLO and CC comparably of every patient. The exposure be controlled by polycentric ionization chamber with 26-34 kV and 29-117 mAs. Results: The high guality PCM images revealed the breast skin, subcutaneous fat, mammary gland, pectoralis major, armpit organization and some other organization structures clearly. And it also had a clear image on the compact mammary gland′s microcaleifications which were 0.1-0.2 mm. The X-ray exposure dose was low. 47 breast cancer on firmed by the surgical operation pathology. Among them, the female were 46 cases, the age was 24-88 years old, on the average was 53.13 years old, the right side were 22 cases, the left side were 26 cases, only one male was 55 years old, left side; and the benign tumor were 72 cases, all were female, the age was 19-70 years old, on the average was 40.88 years old, the right side were 41 cases, the left side were 40 cases, double side focus were 9 cases ......
