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http://www.100md.com 2011年12月15日 蔡学军 周秀兰 马春燕 杨鹏 刘赛


     [摘要] 目的:探索适合社区的高血压管理模式并进行效果评价。方法:通过对社区医生进行培训,按照高血压分级进行规范化管理,在辖区居民中进行健康知识宣传、治疗、随访、转诊、综合干预等综合规范化管理措施。结果:规范化管理1年后,社区居民血压正常比例由11.89%增加到37.30%,2级高血压患者比例由26.32%降到10.16%,3级高血压患者比例由12.70%降到3.72%,差异均有高度统计学意义(均P<0.01);药物治疗率和血压控制率分别由56.36%升高到89.36%和20.90%升高到57.27%;规范化管理后患者吸烟、饮酒、高盐饮食、超重等危险因素比例均较规范化管理前下降,差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.01)。结论:对高血压患者进行非药物治疗和药物治疗并举的社区规范化管理是控制高血压的有效手段。

    [关键词] 高血压;社区;规范化管理;效果评价

    [中图分类号] R544.1 [文献标识码] C [文章编号] 1673-7210(2011)12(b)-153-02

    Effects observation of standardized management of community patients with hypertension

    CAI Xuejun, ZHOU Xiulan, MA Chunyan, YANG Peng, LIU Sai

    Community Health Service Center of Quanhe Street in Huairou District of Beijing City, Beijing 101400, China

    [Abstract] Objective: To explore the hypertension management mode for communities and evaluate its effects. Methods: According to the training of community center doctors and the hypertension classification, the comprehensive standardized management which was composed of health knowledge publicity, treatment, follow-up, referral, comprehensive intervention and others among the local residents were implemented. Results: After one year of standardized management, the proportion of normal blood pressure increased from 11.89% to 37.30%; the proportion of patients with grade 2 hypertension dropped from 26.32% to 10.16%; the proportion of patients with grade 3 hypertension dropped from 12.70% to 3.72%, the differences were statically signifrcant (all P<0.01). The drug treatment rate and the blood pressure control rate increased from 56.36% to 89.36% and 20.90% to 57.27% respectively; proportions of smoking, drinking, high-salt diet, overweight and other risk factors all decreased in different levels, the differences between before and after standardized management were all statistically significant (all P<0.01). Conclusion: The community standardized management which integrates non-drug treatment and drug treatment of patients with hypertension is an effective way to control hypertension.

    [Key words] Hypertension; Community; Standardized management; Effectiveness evaluation ......
