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http://www.100md.com 2012年1月25日 《中国医药导报》 2012年第3期
     [摘要] 目的 了解国内外社区慢性病防治现状,探讨社区慢性病防治可持续发展的工作机制和管理模式,为社区卫生服务发展提供依据。 方法 利用文献法收集资料,在分析部分国内慢性病资料的基础上,结合国内外慢性病防治现状进行探讨。 结果 慢性病病死率呈不断上升趋势,慢性病危害和危险因素普遍存在。 结论 开展全民健康教育,促进慢性病管理,加强健康引导,强化健康管理,开展健康危险因素干预是控制和降低居民慢性病发病率的有效途径。全社会参与,政府政策扶持,推动健康保险发展,提高健康保险的盈利能力等综合防治是慢性病预防与控制的有力保障。

    [关键词] 慢性病;非传染性疾病;健康管理

    [中图分类号] R197.1 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2012)01(c)-0005-03

    Domestic and foreign health management of chronic non-communicable diseases
, 百拇医药
    YU Ping SUN Aiguo LIU Xinrong

    Weihai Center for Diseases Control and Prevention, Shandong Province, Weihai 264200, China

    [Abstract] Objective By understanding the current status of chronic diseases prevention and control in domestic and foreign communities and investigating the work system and management mode for the sustainable development of chronic diseases prevention and control in the communities, to provide basis for community health services development. Methods The literature method was used to collect data. The investigation was undertaken by combing the current status of chronic diseases prevention and control in domestic and foreign communities to the analysis of part of domestic chronic diseases data. Results The mortality rates of chronic diseases showed a continuously rising trend; hazard and risk factors of chronic diseases were prevalent. Conclusion The development of nationwide health education and promotion of chronic disease management, enhancement of health guide, strengthening of health management, and implementation of health risk factors intervention are effective ways to control and reduce the incidence of chronic diseases for the residents. Full social participation and government policy support, promotion of health insurance development, improvement of health insurance profitability and other comprehensive prevention and control are effective in preventing and controlling chronic diseases.
, 百拇医药
    [Key words] Chronic disease; Non-communicable diseases; Health management

    慢性非传染性疾病,简称慢性病,是一类起因隐匿、病程长、病程迁延不愈、病程复杂且有些尚未完全被确认的疾病的概括性总称[1]。目前,正在严重威胁着全球人民的健康与生命,已成为21世纪危害人们健康的主要问题[2]。根据WHO报道,2005年全球总死亡人数为5 800万,其中近3 500万人死于慢性病,而中国慢性病死亡人数占了750万[3],未来10年,全世界慢性病死亡人数还将增长17%。而在中国,如果没有强有力的干预措施,慢性病死亡人数将增长19%,其中糖尿病死亡人数甚至可能增长50%。因此,探讨慢性病可持续发展的工作机制和管理模式,加强对居民生活方式和健康观念的公共卫生管理,是当今社区健康管理的主题。现就国内外慢性病健康管理对策综述如下:

    1 慢性病危害及流行病学研究
, 百拇医药
    1.1 慢性病危害


    1.2 慢性病流行病学研究

    1.2.1 高血压 目前认为高血压病是遗传易感性和环境因素相互影响的结果。前者主要包括遗传因素、年龄、性别等;后者与体重因素、饮食因素、吸烟饮酒、缺少锻炼和精神因素等有关。体重指数偏高是血压升高的独立危险因素,有关资料显示,超重、肥胖者高血压患病率较体重正常者要高2~3倍。因此高血压病,是发生脑中风的危险性疾病。近年来,随着我国人口老龄化的加速 ,脑卒中死亡率、发病率有明显上升趋势,已成为当今世界范围内人类第二大致死原因。由于本病致死、致残率高,对国家和民众造成的危害极大,其幸存者超过50%的人生活不能自理。, 百拇医药(于萍 孙爱国 刘新荣)
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