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http://www.100md.com 2012年2月5日 杨务彬 李元宏 兰鸿


     [摘要] 目的 建立熊胆粉微生物限度检查方法,并对方法进行验证。 方法 采用《中国药典》2010年版一部附录ⅩⅢC微生物限度检查法对熊胆粉进行微生物限度检查。 结果 用pH 7.0的无菌氯化钠蛋白胨缓冲液制备样品,可采用培养基稀释法(1∶20供试液,0.1 mL/皿)进行细菌计数;采用培养基稀释法(400 mL营养肉汤)进行沙门菌检查;采用1∶10供试液的常规法进行霉菌及酵母菌计数和控制菌检查。 结论 该方法消除了样品的抑菌性,可用于该品种的微生物限度检查。

    [关键词] 熊胆粉;微生物限度检查;验证

    [中图分类号] R286.0 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2012)02(a)-0116-03

    Validation on microbial limit test method of bear gall powder

    YANG Wubin LI Yuanhong LAN Hong

    Department of Pharmacy, Taihe Hospital Affiliated to Hubei Medical University, Hubei Province, Shiyan 442000, China

    [Abstract] Objective To set up the microbial limit test ways for bear gall powder and verification of the method. Methods A microbial limits method of Chinese Pharmacopeia (2010 edition) part one appendix ⅩⅢC was used to detected the microbial limit test method of bear gall powder. Results Sodium chloride-peptone aseptic buffer solution (pH=7.0) was used to prepare the test sample. Culture media dilution (1∶20 sample solution, 0.1 mL/dish) was used to count the bear gall powder bacteria. Salmonella test method for culture media dilution method (400 mL NB) was used. 1∶10 selected liquid was adopted to do the mildew and yeast count and control bacteria inspection by the conventional method. Conclusion This method can eliminate the antimicrobial properties and it can be used for the microbial limit test for bear gall powder.

    [Key words] Bear gall powder; Microbial limit test; Validation

    熊胆粉为熊科动物黑熊Selenaretos thibetanus Cuvier经胆囊手术引流胆汁而得的干燥品,收载于国家药品标准《新药转正标准》第11册[1],本品有一定的抑菌作用[2],但其微生物限度检查一直采用常规方法检验,根据《中国药典》2010年版的要求,对原用的常规方法进行验证[3]。

    1 仪器与试药

    1.1 仪器

    LDZX-40BI立式自动电热压力蒸气灭菌器(上海申安医疗器械厂),DNP-9162型电热恒温培养箱(上海精宏实验设备有限公司),HH B11 600型电热恒温培养箱(上海跃进医疗器械厂),LRH-150B生化培养箱(广东医疗器械厂),超净台(苏净集团安泰公司)。

    1.2 培养基


    1.3 阳性对照菌


    1.4 供试品

    熊胆粉(购自四川省新鹿药业有限公司,批号:091203、091204、091205) ......
