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http://www.100md.com 2012年2月5日 仇凡 李明梅 火跃芳 陈俊


     [摘要] 目的 优选暖脐膏处方最佳的提取工艺。 方法 采用L9(34)正交试验,以复方中主要药材当归中阿魏酸的含量为考察指标,以乙醇的浓度、用量、提取时间以及提取次数为考察因素,得出最佳的提取工艺。 结果 最终确定的最佳提取工艺为第1次加9倍量75%乙醇,回流提取90 min,第2次加6倍量75%乙醇,回流提取60 min。 结论 该工艺简单方便,稳定性好,可作为工业化生产的参考路线。

    [关键词] 暖脐膏;当归;阿魏酸;正交实验;提取工艺

    [中图分类号] R283.5 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2012)02(a)-0123-02

    Optimization of the extraction technology of Nuanqi Sticking Plaster by orthogonal experiment

    QIU Fan1 LI Mingmei1 HUO Yuefang1 CHEN Jun2

    1.Department of Pharmacy, Yancheng Institute of Health Science, Jiangsu Province, Yancheng 224001, China; 2.Nanjing Zhongkang Medicine Technology Corporation, Jiangsu Province, Nanjing 210009, China

    [Abstract] Objective To optimize the extraction process of Nuanqi Sticking Plaster. Methods The extraction process of Nuanqi Sticking Plaster was optimized by using orthogonal test with the concentration and amount of alcohol, and the extraction time and extraction times was used as factors, with the content of ferulic acid as index. Results The best extraction process of Nuanqi Sticking Plaster was as follows: nine times volume of 75% alcohol were used to extract the materials the first time for 90 minutes and six times volume of 75% alcohol for the second time for 60 minutes. Conclusion The above extraction procedure is feasible and served as a theoretic reference for the industrialized production.

    [Key words] Nuanqi Sticking Plaster; Radix angelicae sinensis; Ferulic acid; Orthogonal test; Extraction technology


    1 仪器与试药

    1.1 仪器

    Agilent 1100液相色谱仪(美国Agilent公司),Mettler AE240电子天平(10万分之一),SYZ-A石英亚沸高纯水蒸馏器(江苏信达仪器厂),HH-6恒温水浴锅(国华电器有限公司)。

    1.2 试药


    2 方法与结果

    2.1 正交试验的设计[2-4]

    以当归中阿魏酸的提取量为考察指标 ......
