[摘要] 药用植物园在教学、科研、科普、美化校园等方面发挥着重要作用。多年来我们始终围绕着以教学和科研为中心,以实践为主线,以服务为宗旨,并积极地做了一些有效的探索和改革。笔者就药用植物园在中医药院校中的实际应用方面与同行做一探讨。[关键词] 药用植物;中医药;应用;基地
[中图分类号] R284 [文献标识码] C [文章编号] 1673-7210(2012)02(a)-0152-02
Discussion on the medicinal botanical garden application in colleges and universities of Chinese Medicine
JI Baoyu PEI Lixin CHEN Suiqing▲
School of Pharmacy, He'nan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, He'nan Province, Zhengzhou 450008, China
[Abstract] Medicinal garden of botany is playing an important role in the teaching, scientific researches, popularization of science and beautify the campus. Over the years, we are always taking the teaching and research as centre, the practice as mainline, the service as aim for years, and actively make some valid of exploration and reform. The author makes a discussion with persons in the same industry on the application of botanical garden in schools of Chinese medicine.
[Key words] Medicinal plants; Chinese medicine; Application; Base
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