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http://www.100md.com 2012年2月15日 《中国医药导报》 2012年第5期
     [摘要] 我国化学原料药行业已经开始从生产粗放型的低端中间体向精细型的高端产品转变,但总体仍处于国际医药行业价值链的底端,进行产业升级是必由之路。如何促进产业升级,除了企业应该积极寻求产业升级的方法与途径之外,政府部门应该在其中担任重要的角色,建立规范的市场和抑制不合理的新增产能是政府部门当前的首要任务和重点工作,同时要着眼长远,鼓励人才培养和技术创新,进一步提升化学原料药行业的战略地位,从根本上促进产业升级。

    [关键词] 化学原料药;产业升级;政策法规

    [中图分类号] F426.7 [文献标识码] C [文章编号] 1673-7210(2012)02(b)-0139-03

    Strategies and measures on promoting industrial upgrading of chemical raw materials industry in China

    DAI Kaijin HU Wei

    Southern Medical University, Guangdong Province, Guangzhou 510515, China

    [Abstract] The chemical raw materials industry of China has already begun to transfer from the low-end intermediate of extensive production form to the high-end fine production, but it is still at the bottom of the value chain of international pharmaceutical industry, therefore industry upgrading is the inevitable course. In order to promote industry upgrading, industrial enterprises should actively seek ways and means of upgrading. In addition to this, the government should play an important role. The current primary task and work focus of the government is to establish a standardized market and curb irrational new capacity, meanwhile, the government should have a long-term perspective of encouraging personnel training and technological innovation and further enhancing the strategic position of chemical raw materials industry in order to promote industrial upgrading fundamentally. ......
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