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[摘要] 目的 探讨癌症患者疾病知情程度对其治疗依从性的影响。 方法 将我院80例癌症患者根据其对疾病知情的情况分为完全知情组(20例)、部分知情组(30例)和不知情组(30例),调查三组患者对治疗依从性的差异。 结果 完全知情20例,占25.0%,其中治疗依从性优15例(75.0%),良4例(20.0%),差1例(5.0%);部分知情30例,占37.5%,其中治疗依从性优15例(50.0%),良9例(30.0%),差6例(20.0%);不知情30例,占37.5%,其中治疗依从性优10例(33.3%),良7例(23.3%),差13例(43.3%),三组间比较差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05、P < 0.01),完全知情组患者的优良率均高于其他两组(均P < 0.05)。 结论 癌症患者对疾病知情了解,有利于患者配合治疗。
[关键词] 癌症;知情;治疗;依从性
[中图分类号] R473.73 [文献标识码] C [文章编号] 1673-7210(2012)02(c)-0127-02
Effect of cancer patients' knowledge of their own condition on their treatment compliance
Department of Nursing, Fengnan District Hospital of Tangshan City, Hebei Province, Tangshan 063000, China
[Abstract] Objective To investigate the effect of cancer patients' knowledge of their own condition on their treatment compliance. Methods 80 cancer patients were divided into fully informed group (20 cases), partially informed group (30 cases) and uninformed group (30 cases) according to their knowledges of their own condition. Treatment compliances of the three groups were compared. Results There were 20 cases (25.0%) of fully informed, treatment compliance was excellent in 15 patients (75.0%), good in 4 patients (20.0%) and poor in 1 patients (5.0%); there were 30 cases of partially informed (37.5%), treatment compliance was excellent in 15 patients (50.0%), good in 9 patients (30.0%) and poor in 6 patients (20.0%); there were 30 cases of uninformed (37.5%), treatment compliance was excellent in 10 patients (33.3%), good in 7 patients (23.3%) and poor in 13 patients (43.3%). There were significant differences among three groups (P < 0.05, P < 0.01). The good rate of informed group were significantly better than that of the other two groups (P < 0.05). Conclusion Informed understanding of their own condition can improve cancer patients' treatment compliance.
[Key words] Cancer; Informed understanding; Treatment; Compliance
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料
选取2009年1~12月在我院住院治疗的癌症患者80例,其中,男46例,女34例;年龄24~82岁,平均(52.3±15.7)岁。临床诊断:胃癌18例,肝癌14例,结肠癌11例,食管癌9例,乳腺癌8例,胰腺癌7例,宫颈癌6例,膀胱癌4例,前列腺癌3例。将所有患者分为完全知情组(20例)、部分知情组(30例)和不知情组(30例),三组患者一般情况比较,差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05),具有可比性。
1.2 方法
1.3 患者治疗依从性评价
1.4 统计学方法
将所有数据录入SPSS 12.0进行统计学分析,计数资料采用百分率表示,组间对比采用χ2检验。以P < 0.05为差异有统计学意义。
2 结果
完全知情20例,占25.0%,其中治疗依从性优15例(75.0%),良4例(20.0%),差1例(5.0%);部分知情30例,占37.5%,其中治疗依从性优15例(50.0%),良9例(30.0%),差6例(20.0%);不知情30例,占37.5%,其中治疗依从性优10例(33.3%),良7例(23.3%),差13例(43.3%),完全知情组患者的优良率高于其他两组,三组间比较差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05、P < 0.01)。见表1。
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