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http://www.100md.com 2012年2月25日 杨晓枫 徐素彬 彭菊花 许虹 吴丽群 涂丽娜 代玲 宋芹


     [摘要] 目的 探讨侵入性护理操作时护士行为与患者应激反应的相关性,了解患者对护士行为的需求,寻求规范的护士行为模式。 方法 采用描述性相关性研究,自设测量表对250例首次接受侵入性护理操作患者进行问卷调查,采用单因素Logistic回归法分析,确定侵入性护理操作时护士行为与患者应激反应有无相关性。 结果 250例接受侵入性护理操作的患者应激反应中焦虑239例和恐惧11例,其中护士对侵入性护理操作是否解释、护士的操作技术、护士的表情语气、护士的动作与患者的应激反应相关(P < 0.001),与护士仪表仪容不相关。 结论 侵入性护理操作时护士行为与患者的应激反应相关,因此在侵入性护理操作时护士应具备同理心,有良好的职业态度,在语言、动作、表情上规范自己行为,减少患者不良心理反应,获得患者心理认同。

    [关键词] 侵入性护理操作;应激反应;护士行为;模式研究

    [中图分类号] R472.9 [文献标识码] C [文章编号] 1673-7210(2012)02(c)-0133-03

    Study of behavioral model of nurses in invasive care

    YANG Xiaofeng XU Subin PENG Juhua XU Hong WU Liqun TU Li'na DAI Ling SONG Qin

    The People's Hospital of Meishan City, Sichuan Province, Meishan 620010, China

    [Abstract] Objective To explore the correlation between behavior of nurses and stress response of patients during invasive care, thus to gain knowledge of patients' demand for nurses and to standardized nursing behavior. Methods Descriptive correlation study design was employed, in which 250 patients receiving invasive care for the first time were investigated with questionnaires. The results were analyzed with single-factor Logistic regression analysis to determine whether the behavior of nurses and stress response of patients were correlated. Results Among the 250 patients, 239 cases demonstrated anxiety responses and 11 cases demonstrated fear responses. Correlation analysis showed that stress response were correlated with operating techniques, facial expressions, tone and actions of the nurses and also with whether nurses explained to patients about invasive care (P < 0.001). It was not correlated to the appearances and manners of the nurses. Conclusion Stress responses of patients during invasive care are related to the behavior of nurses. So during invasive care, nurses should have empathy towards patients, and maintain good professional attitude by regulating their language, movement and expression, so as to reduce adverse patient psychological reactions and gain patients' recognition.

    [Key words] Invasive care operations; Stress response; Nurses behavior; Model study

    侵入性护理操作是指由护士操作医疗器材进入患者身体组织或器官,从而达到治疗疾病的方法 ......
