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[摘要] 目的 探讨如何让男护生学好妇产科护理,提高其技术操作水平。 方法 41名2004、2005级男护生采用传统教学模式,作为对照组;40名2006、2007级男护生采用“评、培、结、调、测”五环教学模式,作为观察组。对比分析两组男护生的妇产科护理学理论成绩、妇产科护理技能操作成绩、妇产科护理实习科室患者及老师对男护生的满意度、男护生对妇产科护理兴趣度。 结果 观察组的妇产科护理学理论及技能操作成绩、妇产科护理实习科室患者及老师对男护生满意度、对妇产科护理的兴趣度明显优于对照组,差异均具有统计学意义(均P < 0.05)。 结论 五环教学模式可明显提高男护生妇产科护理学成绩和患者对男护生满意度,提高男护生对妇产科护理学学习的兴趣。
[关键词] 男护生;妇产;护理;教学
[中图分类号] R473.71 [文献标识码] C [文章编号] 1673-7210(2012)02(c)-0143-02
Impaction of obstetrics and gynecology nursing teaching reform of male nursing students
WU Dandan
Department of Nursing, Hu′nan Junior College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hu′nan Province, Zhuzhou 412012, China
[Abstract] Objective To investigate how to make the male nursing students learn obstetrics and gynecology nursing well and improve their technical operation level. Methods 41 male nursing students of 2004 and 2005 received the traditional teaching model, as the control group; 40 male nursing students of 2006 and 2007 received the five-cycle teaching model of "assessment, training, results, adjustment and tests", as the observation group. The theoretical results of obstetrics and gynecology nursing, the skills operation results of obstetrics and gynecology nursing, the satisfaction degree with male nursing students of patients and teachers of the obstetrics and gynecology department, and the interest degree of male nursing students in obstetrics and gynecology nursing of the two groups of male nursing students were compared and analyzed. Results The observation group was significantly superior to the control group in the theoretical results and skills operation results of obstetrics and gynecology nursing, the satisfaction degree with male nursing students of patients and teachers of the obstetrics and gynecology department, and the interest degree of male nursing students in obstetrics and gynecology nursing, all with statistically significant differences (all P < 0.05). Conclusion The five-cycle teaching model can significantly improve the obstetrics and gynecology nursing results, the satisfaction degree of patients with male nursing students and the interest degree of male nursing students in obstetrics and gynecology nursing.
[Key words] Male nursing students; Obstetrics and gynecology; Nursing; Teaching
随着社会的发展,男护生的需求及招收的人数不断增加[1],但受社会偏见及传统观念的影响,特别是学习妇产科护理学[2],男护生易产生疑虑、害羞、惧怕患者不接受等心理问题,可影响男护生的学习成绩和妇产科护理技术操作能力,甚至会对护理专业产生厌恶情绪,采取何种教学模式提高学校男护生妇产科护理学的教学质量急需研究和探讨。根据影响男护生学习妇产科护理学的因素 ......