[摘要] 自从1971年Folkman提出血管生成与肿瘤生长有关的假说之后,对于血管形成的研究就一直是肿瘤学的热点。抗血管生成靶向药物的出现为恶性肿瘤的治疗翻开了崭新的篇章。本文集中总结了最近胃癌抗血管生成靶向治疗的临床前研究和发展现状,同时还着重指出并分析了目前该领域所存在的问题[关键词] 胃癌;靶向治疗;抗血管生成药物;VEGF抑制剂;生物标志物
[中图分类号] R735.2[文献标识码] A[文章编号] 1673-7210(2012)03(c)-0014-03
The antiangiogenesis target therapy of advanced gastric cancer
SU Dan ZHANG Tingting WANG Lijie LI Juan BAI Li▲
Department of Oncology, the General Hospital of PLA, Beijing 100853, China
[Abstract] The field of angiogenesis research originated in 1971 with the publication of the hypothesis that tumor growth is angiogenesis-dependent. Targetting the pathways involved in tumor angiogenesis has opened a new era in anticancer therapy. This review summarizes the preclinical rationale and the current status of the clinical development of antiangiogenic agents especially VEGF inhibitors in patients with gastric m alignancies, and also emphasizes the issues that needs to be resolved before this treatment can make further significant advances. ......
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