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http://www.100md.com 2012年4月5日 徐艺桐 张观宇 苏玉坤


     [摘要] 通过对1例伴绒毛膜上皮癌分化的子宫内膜未分化癌进行临床、病理及免疫组化观察,结果发现,肿物大小约3.0 cm×2.5 cm,实性,质较硬,镜下肿瘤组织由分化差的上皮样细胞构成,癌细胞核大、异型,实性分布,间质少,可见多核合体细胞,核分裂多见。免疫组化显示瘤细胞CK7(+)、ER(-)、PR(-)、CD68(-),合体细胞HCG(+)。这是一种罕见的恶性肿瘤,一般预后较差,由于文献报道例数有限,预后的评价尚待进一步统计分析。

    [关键词] 子宫内膜癌;未分化癌;免疫组化

    [中图分类号] R737.33 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-7210(2012)04(a)-0125-02

    Clinicopathological analysis of 1 case of endometrioid undifferentiated carcinoma with choriocacinomatous differentiation

    XU Yitong1 ZHANG Guanyu2▲ SU Yukun2

    1.Department of 94th Period Clinical, China Medical University, Liaoning Province, Shenyang 110001, China; 2.Department of Pathology, Liaoyang Petrochemical General Hospital, Liaoning Province, Liaoyang 111003, China

    [Abstract] One case of endometrioid undifferentiated carcinoma with choriocacinomatous differentiation was observed clinically and pathologically with HE staining and immunohistochemistry. The results showed that, the endometrial neoplasia was about 3.0 cm×2.5 cm. The low-differentiated tumor cells were arranged in solid nets with scant stroma, marked atypically, multinucleated syncytial cells and convoluted nuclei. The tumor cells stained positively for CK7(+), syncytial cells negatively for ER(-), PR(-), CD68(-) positively for HCG(+). Endometrioid undifferentiated carcinoma with choriocacinomatous differentiation is a rare entity with features of higher m alignant tumor, and the prognosis is difficult to be evaluated for rare cases reported.

    [Key words] Endometrioid carcinoma; Undifferentiated; Immunohistochemistry

    伴绒毛膜上皮癌分化的子宫内膜未分化癌(简称伴绒癌分化的子宫内膜未分化癌,endometrioid undifferentiated carcinoma with choriocacinomatous differentiation)是一种罕见的子宫内膜恶性肿瘤,国内外文献少有报道,现就我院诊断的1例伴绒癌分化的子宫内膜未分化癌患者,结合文献对其临床病理特点、诊断及鉴别诊断进行研究分析。

    1 资料与方法

    1.1 一般资料

    患者63岁,绝经12年,阴道不规则流血20余天,量少,无腹痛、无发热,门诊行诊刮,病理显示为“子宫内膜样腺癌”,于2008年12月收住院。入院时一般情况:体温36.4℃,心率76次/min,呼吸频率18次/min,血压130/80 mm Hg(1 mm Hg=0.133 kPa)。血清肿瘤相关标志物:CA125Ⅱ 9.4 U/mL,AFP 3.90 U/mL,CEA 1.50 U/mL,CA19-9 14.51 U/mL,ThCG 102.3 mU/mL。彩超检查:子宫后倾位,大小约6.5 cm×4.0 cm×2.8 cm,形态正常 ......
