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http://www.100md.com 2012年8月15日 李耿 吴庆光


     [摘要] “中药学”是中医药各专业的基础学科之一,是联系中医基础理论与临床应用和药学其他学科的桥梁。为了提高该课程教学质量,让同学们具备扎实的基础知识,在采用普通课堂教学法外,广州中医药大学充分利用学校固有资源,采用课外实践教学法和标本观察教学法进行教学并取得很好的教学效果。本研究为“中药学”这一课程提供更多的教学借鉴经验。

    [关键词] 中药学;课外实践教学;标本观察教学;教学经验

    [中图分类号] G632.474 [文献标识码] C [文章编号] 1673-7210(2012)08(b)-0150-03

    Explore of practical teaching methods of science of Chinese pharmacology in Guangzhou university of traditional Chinese medicine

    LI Geng WU Qingguang

    Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Guangdong Province, Guangzhou 510405, China

    [Abstract] Science of Chinese pharmacology is one of the basic disciplines of Traditional Chinese Medicinespecialties and served as a bridge of contact for other disciplines and clinical application of basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine and other subjects of pharmacy. In order to improve the teaching quality of the course, students are equipped with solid foundation of knowledge. They should not only use ordinary classroom teaching methods, but also make full use of the natural resources of our university and extracurricular teaching methods and specimen observation methods for good teaching results. This course provides more teaching experience for science of Chinese pharmacology to reference.

    [Key words] Science of Chinese pharmacology; Extracurricular teaching methods; Specimen observation teaching methods; Teaching experience


    1 广州中医药大学“中药学”课程特点


    近年来,在“中药学”全体教师努力下,在教材建设、教学研究、教学管理等方面有了显著成绩,并形成了鲜明的特色。1998年被评为广东省重点课程,2007年被评为校级精品课程,本校中药学教研室在2011年被评为优秀教研室,同年本教研室教师团队被评为校级优秀教师团队 ......
