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http://www.100md.com 2012年8月15日 周朝明 黎君君 龚祖康 蒋武 劳诚毅


     [摘要] 开展分娩镇痛能有效减轻和消除产痛。笔者医院从1989年开始施行椎管内神经阻滞分娩镇痛7 000余例,未发生一例严重并发症,有以下几点管理经验:①高度重视宣教工作,在各新闻媒体、孕妇学校、产科门诊、病房及产房由具有分娩镇痛管理经验的麻醉医师和助产士向孕妇及其家属宣传分娩镇痛,让产妇及其家属理解分娩镇痛,自愿施行分娩镇痛;②建立严格的分娩镇痛管理制度和操作流程,确保母婴安全;③产房配备充足的抢救用品及监护设备;④医院重视和支持,给予政策倾斜和激励,调动了麻醉科和产科开展分娩镇痛的积极性;⑤有良好的团队精神,麻醉科和产科做到团结一致,相互尊重、信任、理解和支持;⑥重视推广科研成果,得到同行和社会对分娩镇痛的肯定。

    [关键词] 分娩镇痛;宣教;管理

    [中图分类号] R714.3 [文献标识码] C [文章编号] 1673-7210(2012)08(b)-0157-03

    Experience of propaganda, education and management of labor analgesia

    ZHOU Chaoming LI Junjun GONG Zukang JIANG Wu LAO Chengyi ZHANG Dihua

    Nanning Maternal and Child Health Service Center, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Nanning 530011, China

    [Abstract] Labor analgesia can effectively reduce and eliminate the pain of childbirth. Authors' hospital has implemented intraspinal nerve block labor analgesia for more than seven thousand cases since 1989 and there is no case of severe complications reported. Authors thus draw the following several management lessons: ①Attaching great importance to the propaganda and education of labor analgesia by approaching pregnant women and their relatives through various news media, schools, obstetric out-patient ward and delivery room by anesthesiologists and midwives; ②establishment of strict labor analgesia management systems and operational procedures to ensure maternal and infant safety; ③equiping the delivery room with plenty of rescue supplies and monitoring equipment; ④mobilizing the enthusiasm of anesthesiology and obstetrics departments to perform labor analgesia by hospital attention, supporting and giving policy supporting and encouragement; ⑤having good teamwork between anesthesiology and obstetrics departments to achieve solidarity, mutual respect, trust, understanding and support; ⑥paying attention to promotion of scientific research and wining recognition of labor analgesia from peer and society.

    [Key words] Labor analgesia; Propaganda and education; Management

    在医学疼痛指数中,分娩疼痛仅次于烧灼痛而位居第二位[1]。对大多数妇女来说,分娩疼痛是其一生中经历的最剧烈的疼痛[2]。分娩过程中剧烈疼痛引起的焦虑、恐惧等心理反应可造成母体和胎儿内环境的改变,对产妇采用适当的疼痛缓解措施,可以使疼痛及应激反应减弱甚至消失,改善母体和胎儿的氧供需平衡,对母婴有益[3]。分娩过程中良好的镇痛还可减少或消除母体过度通气,对控制产后抑郁症发生也有积极的作用[4]。目前,我国的分娩镇痛率不足1 %,而剖宫产率却高达50%,并还有逐步攀升的趋势。西方发达国家的椎管内阻滞分娩镇痛率高达80%,剖宫产率却在20%以下[5]。因此,在我国剖宫产率居高不下的现状下,开展分娩镇痛对降低剖宫产率有积极作用[6] ......
