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[摘要] 艾滋病(acquired immunodeficiency syndrome,AIDS)严重危及人类生命健康,而西药治疗AIDS采用的高效抗逆转录病毒治疗法(HAART)疗效有限。AIDS的中医药治疗方案可分为4类:单味中药及其有效成分,其研究重点主要为抗艾滋病毒和免疫调节两方面;中药复方;针灸疗法;中西药联合应用治疗,其中中药可起到减毒增效的效果。在中医药治疗AIDS的过程中,疗效评估和患者依从性的相关问题需要被着重考虑。中医药治疗AIDS已经表现出了个体化治疗、价格低廉、毒副作用小等诸多优势,但也存在着缺少中医诊断标准体系、缺少治疗实施方案和临床治疗过程的检测及质量控制等主要问题。通过大力开展对中医药各个领域的研究及其有效成分的提取,进而发现新的有价值的药剂或拓宽设计、合成药物的视野和思路,中医药疗法将在AIDS的治疗中发挥日益重要的作用。
[关键词] 艾滋病;HIV;中医药治疗;针灸;HAART
[中图分类号] R512.91 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2012)08(c)-0022-02
Research progress on the treatment of aids with traditional Chinese medicine and related issues
XU Tianqi LIU Jiewei GENG Kaiwen SUI Bingdong▲
School of Stomatology, the Fourth Military Medical University, Shaanxi Province, Xi'an, 710032, China
[Abstract] Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) severely does harm to human′s health. However, highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), the most widely used way to treat AIDS by Western medicine, has limited curative effects. Traditional Chinese medicine to treat AIDS can be categorized into four strategies: single Chinese herbs and their active components, on which studies mainly focus on anti-human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and immune regulation; traditional medical formulae; acupuncture therapy; combinations of Chinese and Western medicine treatments, in which Chinese medicine can reduce the toxicity and enhance the effect of Western medicine. During our applying traditional Chinese medicine to treat AIDS, related issues such as assessment of curative effects and compliance of patients should be paid attention to and discussed carefully ......