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[摘要] 长期以来医疗质量监管一直是我国医疗管理体制的一个薄弱环节,本研究应用文献计量分析方法对医疗质量监管研究现状、研究主题、医疗质量管理理论、监管理论进行系统分析。结果表明:从文献数量来看,国际上医疗质量监管是主要研究领域之一,而我国医疗质量监管研究密切文献总体数量偏少;从研究主题来看,国际上主要研究领域集中在质量、服务、费用、标准等方面,而国内主要集中在探讨医疗质量监管的必要性、重要性、概念等方面,在医疗监管机制、监管体系、监管内容等方面尚缺乏系统和实证研究。本文献计量分析可为深入研究我国医疗质量监管体系提供选题依据和参考。
[关键词] 医疗质量;监管;文献计量学
[中图分类号] R197.3 [文献标识码] C [文章编号] 1673-7210(2012)08(c)-0164-03
A literatures review of medical quality management and regulation based on Bibliometrics methods
AN Yanfang
The Affiliated People′s Hospital of Hubei Medicine University, Hubei Province, Shiyan 442000, China
[Abstract] A long time the medical quality management and regulation has been a weak link in medical management system. In this study, Bibliometric analysis is employed to review the research status, topics, medical quality management and regulatory theory of medical quality regulation. The results show that: as the literature number, the medical quality management and regulation is one of the international main research areas, but the number of closely literature in china is fewer; as the research topic, in the international main research focuses on terms of quality, service, costs, standards, but domestic mainly concentrates in the necessity, importance and concepts, and the regulatory mechanisms, the regulatory system, regulatory content are still a lack of systematic and empirical research. This Bibliometric analysis is helpful for scanning the topics of medical quality control system in-depth study.
[Key words] Medical quality; Management and regulation; Bibliometrics
改革开放以来我国在医疗服务供给主体、医疗保障、融资机制、付费方式、治理以及监管体制等领域都开展了重要改革和探索,推动和促进了医疗卫生事业发展。但是对医疗服务的监管长期以来一直是我国医疗管理体制的一个薄弱环节,主要表现中医疗体制不协调、改革措施不配套、医疗市场扭曲、医疗机构治理失灵、政府职能“缺位、错位、越位”等各种弊端,居民“看病难、看病贵”问题十分突出。政府相关部门医疗服务缺少有效监管手段,医疗行业整体监管滞后,医疗政策决策规制化程度低、医疗服务监督制度缺位[1] ......