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[摘要] 目的 优选参菊洗剂的提取工艺。 方法 以苦参碱的含量为评价指标,按正交表L9(34)设计试验,考察加水量、浸泡时间、提取时间和提取次数4个因素。 结果 提取时间对提取效果有显著影响,提取工艺的最佳参数为:加水量为8倍,浸泡时间为2 h,提取时间为每次1.5 h,提取次数为2次。 结论 优选的提取工艺能较好地保证制剂的质量。
[关键词] 正交试验;提取工艺;参菊洗剂;苦参碱
[中图分类号] R284.2[文献标识码] A[文章编号] 1673-7210(2014)05(b)-0099-03
Optimization of the extraction technology of Shenju Lotion by orthogonal experiment
ZHANG Guangqiu1 LIU Wen1 WANG Shuping1 TIAN Xiangxue2
1.Department of Pharmacy, Huanggang Central Hospital, Hubei Province, Huanggang 438000, China; 2.Huanggang Center for Food and Drug Control, Hubei Province, Huanggang 438000, China
[Abstract] Objective To optimize the extraction technology of Shenju Lotion. Methods The extraction technology of Shenju Lotion was optimized by L9(34) orthogonal test with matrine and the yield of extract as index, and amount of water added, time of soaking, duration of decoction and times of decoction as four factors ......