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[摘要] 护理信息学是近30年来新兴的护理学专业领域,但其内涵在世界范围内仍缺乏共识。本文分析护理信息学的产生与发展、研究对象、方法学基础、研究内容、教育模式、国内状况等问题,从护理角度探讨护理信息学的内涵,期望引起进一步的研讨,以共同推动我国护理信息学的建设和发展。
[关键词] 护理信息学;学科特性;学科发展
[中图分类号] R194[文献标识码] C[文章编号] 1673-7210(2014)05(b)-0134-06
A discussion regarding to the discipline connotation of nursing informatics
LIU Hui1 CHI Hui2 LIU Huaping1
1.School of Nursing, Peking Union Medical College, Beijing 100144, China; 2.Institute of Medical Information, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Beijing 100020, China
[Abstract] Nursing informatics, as an emerging nursing specialty in recent 30 years,has no consensus about the connotation of it around the world. This paper analyzes the development, research object, methodological basis, research contents, education pattern, native status of nursing informatics, and discusses the discipline connotation of it from the perspective of nursing ......