[3] Scheman L,Janota M,Lewin P. The production of experimental osteomyelitis:preliminary report [J]. JAMA,1941,177(18):1525-1529.
[4] Emslie KR,Nade S. Acute hematogenous staphylococcal osteomyelitits. A description of the natural history in an avian model [J]. Am J Pathol,1983,110(3):333-345.
[5] Poultsides LA ......
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[4] Emslie KR,Nade S. Acute hematogenous staphylococcal osteomyelitits. A description of the natural history in an avian model [J]. Am J Pathol,1983,110(3):333-345.
[5] Poultsides LA ......
您现在查看是摘要页,全文长 2738 字符。