[摘要] 当前大型综合医院的竞争已经很大程度上取决于科技创新的水平,如何采用积极有效的科研激励政策激发医务人员从事科研的积极性,对于提升医院的科技创新能力至关重要。需要层次论认为需要是人类行为的积极的动因或源泉,而工作积极性与人的各层次需要成正比。本文通过对医院科研人员各需要层次的分析,将需要层次论应用到医院科研激励政策中,从而提出具体的政策方向:激励制度呈现多层次、阶梯型、多元化,满足各层次各专业人员的需要;加大对高学历青年人才的激励政策倾斜力度;创造良好的科研沟通环境;加强精神层面的激励政策;放宽民主参与权与决策权,帮助实现自我价值;采取动态化的激励制度,满足不同发展时期的需要。[关键词] 需要层次论;医院科研管理;激励政策
[中图分类号] R197.32 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2015)07(c)-0145-05
[Abstract] Currently, the competitiveness of those large and general hospitals depends very much on their technical innovation ability. How to take effective incentive policy to stimulate the technical innovation enthusiasm of medical personnel is very essential for hospital to enhance the technical innovation capability. "Hierarchical theory of needs" holds that need is motivation or source of human behavior. Enthusiasm of work is in proportion to human needs at all levels. Based on the analysis of researchers needs at all levels ......
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