[摘要] 目的 调查南朗医院流动孕妇人群梅毒感染情况,为降低妊娠梅毒发生率提供科学依据。 方法 选取2011年6月~2015年6月在中山市南朗医院性病专科门诊和皮肤性病专科门诊就诊以及进行免费性病检查的孕妇8034例为研究对象,收集该类人群的一般资料并进行统计分析,确定孕妇的感染率以及孕妇感染梅毒的影响因素。 结果 感染梅毒患者96例,比例为1.19%,其中二产及以上产次的孕妇感染率(1.69%)显著高于一产孕妇(0.98%)。96例感染梅毒的孕妇共生产98例新生儿,早产2例,死亡1例,畸形1例。单因素分析显示,年龄、职业、文化程度、个人经济收入、户籍情况、婚姻情况、配偶是否患有梅毒7个因素均为孕妇感染梅毒的相关影响因素(P < 0.05)。Logistic回归分析结果显示,职业、文化程度、个人经济收入、户籍情况、婚姻情况、配偶是否患有梅毒6个因素为孕妇感染梅毒的独立影响因素(P < 0.05)。 结论 为了降低妊娠梅毒发生率,主动参加婚前检查或者将梅毒非特异性的初筛实验作为产前常规检查是十分必要的,预防的重点人群为低学历、低收入、配偶感染梅毒、流动的从事服务性职业的妇女。
[关键词] 流动孕妇;梅毒;流行病学
[中图分类号] R759 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2016)01(b)-0037-04
[Abstract] Objective To investigate the syphilis infection status of pregnant women among floating population in Nanlang Hospital, in order to provide scientific basis for reducing pregnancy syphilis incidence. Methods 8034 cases of pregnant women treated in Venereal Disease Specialist Out-patient and taken free venereal disease inspection in Nanlang Hospital of Zhongshan City from June 2011 to June 2015 were selected as research objects. General information of the population were collected and analyzed. The infection rate among pregnant women and factors influced the pregnant women infected with syphilis were confirmed. Results 96 cases of pregnant women were comfirmed syphilis infection, the proportion was 1.19%, of whom the infection rate of pregnant women with twice and more pregnancies and labors (1.69%) was significantly higher than pregnant women with first pregnancies and labors (0.98%). 96 cases of pregnant women with syphilis infection had born 98 cases of newborns, 2 cases had premature birth, 1 case had dead, 1 cases had deformity. Single factor analysis showed that age, occupation, educational level, personal income, household, marriage, spouse suffering from syphilis or not were influencing factors of syphilis infection in pregnant women (P < 0.05). Logistic regression analysis showed that, occupation, education level, personal income, household, marriage, spouse suffering from syphilis or not were independent risk factors of syphilis infection in pregnant women (P < 0.05). Conclusion In order to reduce pregnancy syphilis incidence, take the initiative to participating in premarital examination or non-specific syphilis screening test as a routine prenatal examination is very necessary. Low education, low income, spouse suffering from syphilis, flowing pregnancy taking career in the service are the preventive focus groups.
[Key words] Floating pregnant women; Syphilis; Epidemiology, 百拇医药(汪为刚 侯枫林 翟银生 姜昱)
[关键词] 流动孕妇;梅毒;流行病学
[中图分类号] R759 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2016)01(b)-0037-04
[Abstract] Objective To investigate the syphilis infection status of pregnant women among floating population in Nanlang Hospital, in order to provide scientific basis for reducing pregnancy syphilis incidence. Methods 8034 cases of pregnant women treated in Venereal Disease Specialist Out-patient and taken free venereal disease inspection in Nanlang Hospital of Zhongshan City from June 2011 to June 2015 were selected as research objects. General information of the population were collected and analyzed. The infection rate among pregnant women and factors influced the pregnant women infected with syphilis were confirmed. Results 96 cases of pregnant women were comfirmed syphilis infection, the proportion was 1.19%, of whom the infection rate of pregnant women with twice and more pregnancies and labors (1.69%) was significantly higher than pregnant women with first pregnancies and labors (0.98%). 96 cases of pregnant women with syphilis infection had born 98 cases of newborns, 2 cases had premature birth, 1 case had dead, 1 cases had deformity. Single factor analysis showed that age, occupation, educational level, personal income, household, marriage, spouse suffering from syphilis or not were influencing factors of syphilis infection in pregnant women (P < 0.05). Logistic regression analysis showed that, occupation, education level, personal income, household, marriage, spouse suffering from syphilis or not were independent risk factors of syphilis infection in pregnant women (P < 0.05). Conclusion In order to reduce pregnancy syphilis incidence, take the initiative to participating in premarital examination or non-specific syphilis screening test as a routine prenatal examination is very necessary. Low education, low income, spouse suffering from syphilis, flowing pregnancy taking career in the service are the preventive focus groups.
[Key words] Floating pregnant women; Syphilis; Epidemiology, 百拇医药(汪为刚 侯枫林 翟银生 姜昱)