[1] Bareschino MA,Schettino C,Rossi A,et al. Treatment advanced non small cell lung cancer [J]. J Thoeac Dis,2011, 3(2):122-133.
[2] Yuan YY,Niu LZ,Mu F,et al. Therapeutic outcomes of combining cryotherapy,chemotherapy and DC-CIK immunotherapy in the treatment of metastatic non-small cell lung cancer [J]. Cryobiology,2013,67(2):235-240.
[3] 谢晓冬,丁震宇.CIK过继细胞免疫治疗恶性肿瘤技术临床应用现状[J].解放军医药杂志,2015,27(1):7-10.
[4] Schmidt-Wolf IG,Negrin RS,Kiem HP,et al. Use of a SCID mouse/human lymphoma model to evaluate cytokine- induced killer cells with potent antitumor cell activity [J]. J Exp Med ......
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[1] Bareschino MA,Schettino C,Rossi A,et al. Treatment advanced non small cell lung cancer [J]. J Thoeac Dis,2011, 3(2):122-133.
[2] Yuan YY,Niu LZ,Mu F,et al. Therapeutic outcomes of combining cryotherapy,chemotherapy and DC-CIK immunotherapy in the treatment of metastatic non-small cell lung cancer [J]. Cryobiology,2013,67(2):235-240.
[3] 谢晓冬,丁震宇.CIK过继细胞免疫治疗恶性肿瘤技术临床应用现状[J].解放军医药杂志,2015,27(1):7-10.
[4] Schmidt-Wolf IG,Negrin RS,Kiem HP,et al. Use of a SCID mouse/human lymphoma model to evaluate cytokine- induced killer cells with potent antitumor cell activity [J]. J Exp Med ......
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