[摘要] 面对互联网经济形态以及新媒体,云南少数民族医药文化的传承与传播面临着巨大的机遇与挑战。立足于云南民族医药文化特质,将传统民族医药文化元素与交互式动漫用户体验相结合,设计出符合现代人认知习惯和文化认同心理的界面视觉。借助APP这一媒体进行民族医药文化的有效、有趣、有意蕴的互动表达,有助于民族医药的保护、传承与推广,将少数民族医药以角色体验的方式进行传播,可为其他类型的优秀传统文化资源开发提供借鉴和参考。
[关键词] 云南民族医药;交互式动漫;角色体验设计
[中图分类号] R29 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-4721(2016)09(c)-0170-05
[Abstract] Faced with the economic form from the internet and new media, Yunnan ethnic cultures of medication are confronted with increasing opportunities and challenges. Based on Yunnan ethnic medicine cultural characteristic ......
您现在查看是摘要页,全文长 4760 字符。
[关键词] 云南民族医药;交互式动漫;角色体验设计
[中图分类号] R29 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-4721(2016)09(c)-0170-05
[Abstract] Faced with the economic form from the internet and new media, Yunnan ethnic cultures of medication are confronted with increasing opportunities and challenges. Based on Yunnan ethnic medicine cultural characteristic ......
您现在查看是摘要页,全文长 4760 字符。