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http://www.100md.com 2016年10月15日 《中国医药导报》 2016年第29期
     [摘要] 急性胰腺炎(AP)是一种由多种病因引起的常见疾病。高甘油三酯血症(HTG)引起的AP较少见,但在AP病因的构成比中呈明显上升趋势。研究表明,重度HTG导致的AP可出现严重并发症,甚至威胁生命。本文报道1例重度HTG导致AP且合并糖尿病酮症酸中毒的2型糖尿病患者,经过及时有效的诊治,临床转归良好。

    [关键词] 糖尿病;酮症酸中毒;高甘油三酯血症;急性胰腺炎

    [中图分类号] R576 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2016)10(b)-0171-04

    [Abstract] Acute pancreatitis (AP) is a common condition with several aetiologies. Hypertriglyceridaemia (HTG) is a rare but significantly rising cause of AP, which can be a life-threatening complication if the degree of HTG is severe enough, according to the literature. This article reported a case of patient with severe hypertriglyceridemia-induced acute pancreatitis combined with diabetic ketoacidosis ......
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